Rest assured, there’s milk and honey in the land to come! It’s time to rest and receive, a generous heart indeed!
Kindness is breaking forth this day! You’re going to see delivery and deliverance amid decay!
Where darts have come to contaminate, you’re going to see clearing of the way. Mercy lead! Mercy see! Mercy bled out for you indeed!
Where you are experiencing 2nd heaven interference, the Prince of Peace sustains you queen! Noble and true, ‘lovely’ rests upon you! Dove and Doe overcome!
The tree of good and evil, flesh foreign! Spirit led, truth led! Walking in the Spirit is your inheritance son! Come! As you are, positioned in Christ, won, it’s done!
Miracles are popping! Alignment is here!
You’re going to see a clearing of the way! Every high thing must come down! You wear the victors crown!
Precious Lilly, you’re the rose of heaven’s heart! The fragrance of mercy’s kiss drips upon you! The atmosphere of heaven surrounds you! Protected, you are powerful, you are free!
You’re going to see a suddenly! Swift shift! You’re going to see God’s best! Recovery, reprieve! Oiled for life, for other’s to come into all things new! Newness rests upon you!
Where you’ve been weary and teary amid pressures, trials of life, opposition that’s been unrelenting, you’re going to see severance! It’s over friend.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, the LORD delivers us from them ALL! Psalm 34:19 abbreviated.
I hear Daddy say,
“Come into the garden tonight! Take My hand, come. You’re going to experience light as a feather over your heart, you’re going to be alright!”
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