Your backstory is going to be a blueprint for other’s to go through into all things new, as God is with you. Amid due. What’s due is coming to you! Every lie, every scheme, every manipulative foul spirit sent to rip you apart shall be seen! Folly! God doesn’t operate in control, ego, flesh! Continue through, through the process, though it’s been wait, the glory presence is protecting you! The angel of the Lord protects you. His name is TRUTH. Every foul spirit, every leeching leech, shall not touch you! Continue through the process for other’s to come through!

All this is Plan A in God. You’re a treasure trove of trust! One who’s picked up the shovel in the dust! Digging wells in the Spirit, shoulder to the wheel! Calling upon the fire and presence of God to behold! It’s time to press on! Not hark back, give up. Give in to lies, manipulation and a pot of soup to eventually be thrown in the bin!

You’re on the right track! Courage dear heart! As Churchill once said, it’s the courage to continue that counts!

The Good Shepherd leads you in pastures green as you lean! You’ve pioneered through for others to come through, reprieve is coming to you! Your body is going to be healed! This flesh crushing has brought you to your knees! The place where the flow of God’s power is seen! The power of His finished work revealed as you draw from the hem of his garment, seen!

You’re an heir! The fragrance from the fruit that’s in your life is rich dear! Heaven’s atmosphere!

You’ve not been taken out with despair, cowardice, or the harsh measuring stick! The stingy and critical has not left a thorn in your side dear! Kissed by Mercy! Forever changed, connected to the vine, so much wine!! Mercy triumphs heir!

Every affliction, every low blow, you’ve seen deliverance’s hand there! Every relationship you’ve had the privilege and honour to encounter, whether covenantal, contractual, or simply in passing, you’re going to see Mercy’s kiss redeem dear!

Where you’ve endured all types of symptoms in your body of pain! Where you’ve experienced scurvy doing everything to keep a roof over your children’s heads! The anointing of Jesus for life and for others is where you get your strength! Where you’ve kept your eyes on the prize and followed! Where you’ve listened, leaned, handing over trouble after trouble!

Where you’ve been fed by raven’s while a dead dog was left dead at your door on mother’s day instead! Where you’ve endured stalking in the night and years and years of harassment to displace you with fright! You’ve stayed centred and true! Sacrificial commitment raising up the next generation entrusted to you!

The presence of God surrounding you!

Your homes are sanctuaries from the wolves at night! Those of you living in your cars, you’re going to get a roof over your head too!! We’ve seen so many miracles for housing open up here too!

The angle of LORD has kept you, protected you when the wolves came to take you in the night!

You’ve poured your life out for other’s to come! It’s time to Keep Moving Forward in this heavenly fight!

The presence, power and portion of God leads you on in this hour! The hour is late! You’ve been raised to encourage others to wake, not late! The world is on the surgeon’s table! Life giving! Cardiac Arrest, dress!!

You must “Keep your eyes on Me and don’t give up!” I hear Daddy whisper!

Courage dear heart! As Churchill famously said,

“Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts!”

God speed as once again, you give heaven your YES!

Philippians 3: 13-14 TPT

“I don’t depend on my own strength to accomplish this, however I do have one compelling focus; I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead. I run straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory-prize through the anointing of Jesus. So let all who are fully mature have this same passion, and if anyone is not yet gripped by these desires, God will reveal it to them. And let us all advance together to reach this victory-prize, following one path with one passion.

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