We’re going to see glory revealed through sons! Unity as one, hearts, taste, see, come!! Reflections of his love, crowned with beauty, glory come!! In the uncomfortable, in the heart for one, you’re going to see sons come!! Hearts encounter love through hands and feet on the run! Your story a demonstration of his glory! The power of God breaking through! Servant sons, stopping for the one! Speaking the truth, the GOOD news, seeing lives transformed! Living in the glory converting the world into eternal relationship with Jesus!! You’ve determined in your heart to be faithful, you’re a steward of his heart, GOOD news!!
Ministers and ministries pouring into the body of Christ, adding and increase! Helping sons one to one and small groups to find purpose and run!
Many of these ministries and ministers are somewhat ‘unseen’, they are hidden, revealed in heavens’ dream! The eyes of the King of Glory on you seen! Laser focus keeping you centred, shoulder to the wheel, heaven’s blueprint, dream!
These ministers and ministries are not intimidated, manipulated or controlled by man. They’re not out to build their platform or build a name for themselves, they are servant sons with undivided hearts, Kingdom first, Kingdom last! Living in the glory, transforming the world around us! It’s His eye leading as we lean! It may seem like small, but do not diminish what seems to be ’small’ and ‘unseen’, the Kingdom of God is not defined by society’s definition of success as you steward the glory for hearts in the call!
Be encouraged, it’s not about being seen! You’re seen by the EYE OF THE LORD and that’s all you need to get the task done, his dream! That is all you need to be seen. You are validated, affirmed, sent, oiled, a dream!
To the established ministries and ministers, working, pouring, into individuals and groups in different denominations and settings, you are seen! Many of these itinerant, unique ministries have been raised up to equip, train, teach and empower in this hour! Back to the basics of the finished work of Calvary! The blood line is JESUS! First, last and in-between!
Holiness our POSITION through the legal transaction that’s taken place through the Cross and our receive through confession of faith, the love of God transforming hearts in this hour!! The message is SIMPLE but it’s not SIMPLISTIC- it’s full of power!
Culture, tradition, pedigree, heritage; all the hallmarks of pride, self and I no longer in the equation as you died!!! The cost is your LIFE!! Living with God is a life of forgetting all that is familiar, it’s learning to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh as we encounter daily his mercy and rest! We rely on HIS EYE as the glory in us transforms those around us!
Relating to the Father through position, not through performance, culture, tradition! The world is looking for a hero! Hearts are on the line! Living in an awareness of his glory, and his heart of service to others is how the job is getting done!
The widows, the orphans, the lonely, the broken hearted, these are the ones!!! You have a ministry!! You have a voice!! You are one!! A conduit of heaven in the son! Acts of KINDNESS. Taking time to ACTIVELY LISTEN and be attentive to others needs, this is compassion on the run!
Jesus was a very practical man! Fully God, fully man! He demonstrated love in action. He showed us how to live, how to receive, how to keep a WINNING ATTITUDE AMID BLEED. You’re going to see mercy and meekness where you’ve experienced thorns!!
Miracles in the form of stopping for the one!! Ministers and ministries, team players, one!
You’ve been tested to the core, you’ve laid everything familiar and comfortable down! You’ve stepped out of entitlement thinking, comfort zones, my and I. Laser focused on His eye! You’ve been through the toughest tests, walked through hardship and incredible quest, but have pioneered through, fed!
Through mis-understanding from others, by some who’ve wanted what you have, but have the wrong motive and wrong message ’their name’ not understanding the message is the GOSPEL and it’s SIMPLE yet not SIMPLISTIC as the power rests on THE MAN.
This is where the power is to remain centred through the decades, full of power, full of a good attitude, full of expectation and strength to run with the fire amid chaos, riots and control of man.
The NEW nature in us through the bloodline of JESUS- not trying to ‘fix’ the flesh and the old line. It’s DAILY renewing our mind!! The mind of Christ! Made up! The same today, tomorrow and yesterday! Not double minded. Not out of luck, not out of time. Jesus and his perfect line! Walking away from strife. Amid the Babylonian system which has infiltrated the modern day Church through a mixed message, tradition, culture and structures of man. Rooted in lack, pyramids, ponzi schemes, it’s a tower of babel coming down!
Many of you ministers and ministries have spent many years in the glory, out in the trenches daily in the pour! You are rich in heart! Rich in values! Rich in meekness, mercy and temperament, because you’ve been tested, time and time again to the core!
Continue to faithfully steward the glory, pour! You’re going to see the capacity and strength of heart to continue to move forward as others are raised up! Keep giving your YES to the pour! To help the local Church, to strengthen leaders, to raise up teachers, leaders, the next generation through the unique way that you pour!
You’re going to see heaven build the house and exponential knocking on your door!
We’re going to see a HARVEST as the remnant is raised up coming into alignment with the truth- the message of the Good News, coming through two by two! We’re going to see many of the hearts that have received pour, teaching, training and impart from faithful stewards soar! The next generation coming through in posterity and legacy through you! Sons and daughters across the globe!! One tribe, one nation, one blood! The HOPE OF GLORY revealed through hands, feet, acts of service, active listening, help, words that lift, empower, heal and set free!!
The blue print is JESUS. The message is simple, yet not simplistic, it’s full of power! God gets the glory, we get to soar!!
Souls encountering mercy’s kiss!! Deliverance! Healing, fun! Sonship as heaven is revealed on earth though sons and daughters!
Be encouraged ministers and ministries that are unique in blue print, unique in wire, unique in the outworking of the message in this hour; you are effective, fervent, full of flavour! Finance and resource will come as you live for others’ servant son! Stay the course, hold the line! You’re going to see the hope of glory revealed through faithful hearts, team, all you need as you continually place your trust in heavens eye, laser focus, seen!
Luke 7:47 “She has been forgiven of all her many sins. This is why she has shown me such extravagant love. But those who assume they have very little to be forgiven will love me very little.”
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