You’ve poked the bear of fear that once held you in a noose dear, it’s time now to see fruitfulness and favour as a 7 year recompense is upon thee! Through the rams horn you’re going to experience victory in your situation. No longer afraid of not enough or being destitute, you know the God of peace is with you leading you into inheritance in the eye of the storm! Where you’ve taken steps forward calling it, whatever it was/is, you’ve broken free! Intimidation and fear no longer hold you as a prisoner, you are a free bird indeed!

Your circumstances may not appear to have changed, but you dear are walking into prosperity, life! Alive! You shall flourish, thrive! You’re going to see growth, as you steward what’s in your hands as peace leads you in his eye. The storm shall pass. You will thrive. The doors you’re walking through are prosperous! ! In soul, in health, in provision for life. Longevity. Investors are going to invest in your generational line. You’re a good steward even through you’ve been tarred and feathered with lies. You are no longer tethered to pride. Poor decisions, a religious poverty spirit.

The TRUTH is, you’re a steward who generates wealth, not a servant to money!

You’re going to see fruitfulness as a steward and wealth. Health. It’s time to invest into self. Plug in with what you need to learn, to glean because your hands are clean. Your ‘yes’, is what heaven sees! God wants to bless you with abundance! With the ability to demonstrate peace in stewarding resources as he elevates you to a seated place. At the table is your place. No longer held down, eating crumbs outside the door.

Shalom shall be seen, you are chosen! The goodness and kindness of God shall be seen to deliver you, as you follow on, walking hand in hand! Around Jericho 7 times, you’re going to see through the rams horn, the sound of heaven bringing these walls down. No more chaos!

You’re going to plunder the enemies camp! The thief shall not have your legacy, your generational, your call! The God of miracles is breaking forth in your situation so unbelievers can see the goodness of God and laugh!

“Salvation belongs to Me,” says the King of Glory.

Peace, provision, investors and investment come! You’re going to see FAVOUR and FRUITFULNESS in your line! You’ve passed through the valley of the shadow of death, God has the last laugh! Generational you shall see, good stewards indeed! God is restoring what’s been lost and stolen through immaturity with money. Not only are you going to see favour with the mess you’ve been in, you’re going to see investors pour in! Where you’ve been tethered to another’s poor decisions, manipulation and deceit, you’ve broken free from cycles of defeat!

In USA the Jewish population hold 40% of the wealth. They are 4% of the population. Jews live by principles of saving and investing. They are disciplined in financial stewardship and save to protect themselves against bad debt.

God produced a miracle environment for the widow. Challenging her to honour the principle of first fruits in that context. She did what was instructed by Elijah and was fed all the days of her life.

Some of you will gain insight and wisdom as you study investing, and start to change your thinking regarding your financial position. God wants to pour into you through investors, it’s time to take steps forward out of mess.

It’s critical that you don’t engage in condemnation, guilt, shame and lies that come to assault! You must hand it all over and ask God to guide you to next steps, where you can learn maturity with money, spend, save, give, invest. Changed behaviour that welcomes God’s rest!

There’s an affirmation, promise and invitation for increase in this area by the Spirit of God for us!

1. Shake off condemnation, guilt, false responsibility, shame, regret- hand it over to Holy Spirit, you’re going to see the pressure lift!

2. Expect Reprieve!

3. Invest into self. Rest. Health. Take the time to eat well, exercise, make it a priority. Park servitude and escapism into Church service teams and busy bees etc, et al.

4. God will add the rest!

2025 is a year of fruitfulness and favour! You’re going to see generational investors in your town!! You are NOT a clown!


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