Standing through the decades in a ministry capacity relationally present, involves extending compassion to self and others. Un-packing our new nature in Christ experientially, most often takes a lifetime!

Thick skin and a tender heart is essential to not merely survive as you lead, teach, equip and navigate others’ in! Many human relationships are transactional. Many simply don’t have the time or capacity to walk with you closely over an extended period of time. Leadership involves your heart from start to finish! Takes courage and wisdom to navigate accepting limits. Leaders are humans, on their own journey of continuous healing in the revelation of light too.

Stewarding a prophetic mantle, involves allot of reflection, silent contemplation, time in the Word, dialogue with heaven’s heart alone. It takes a huge amount of energy pouring into others over the decades, to consistently show up. Prophets are highly sensitive individuals, who sense, hear, feel, others’ pain. Think of it as compassion fatigue like a freight train!! The Man is our soft landing! We get much of our emotional and mental health support from this connection! It’s the practical we need help in!

With this in mind, there’s a pressure valve releasing self and others from false expectation as we rest in the Son. The atmosphere is more relaxed around us, not so highly strung. Our expectation comes from the LORD speaking to hearts to help us as we continue to steward the call for others and enter in! Our security and friendship found in the Son! We’re easy to be around when we’re not so highly strung! The garden of our hearts surrounded by a fence, boundaries provide order, access is not a given!

When others don’t understand your circumstantial pain and prison chains, rest assured the LAMB knows your name! Continue to encourage the Bride, you represent an audience of One who bled out and died! Lives have been divinely set on the path you’re on to hear the message you speak! Many more will receive the GOOD NEWS and rise! It’s the glory of God in your line! Ribbons of scarlet amid suffering and pain!

Everything you’ve been through and are going through on a relational level, personally and publicly is preparation so you can consistently rely on HIM. God is love. Love is a person, not a currency. The Holy Spirit our best friend! Dynamic, exciting, never in a rush! Comforting! Tender in grief- sustenance! True love who cuddles us!

Living a life of walking in the Spirit is a dance of trust, amid uncertainty and unknown. Based in love! Not eros, not fluff, not emoji’s or dust! Tried, tested, true, the power of love in and upon us! Be encouraged FRIEND OF GOD, you are enough!

You are tough, you’re going to see long life and good stead! You’re going to carry on after loss, after loosing a lifetime partner this side of the rainbow! Through grief, through that lifetime marriage that ended in divorce! Through decay of this world that wants to take out your heart this day. WE’RE STANDING WITH YOU, PRAY!

Where you’ve experienced friends who went silent not knowing what to say. Friends who walked on while your prison sentence carried on! Where your family grew up and moved on while you continued to pioneer in the call so others could make the call!

Where you’ve helped thousands get on their feet, where you’ve led so other’s can eat. Where you’ve paid the price of comfort, the price of unknown, the price of being abused and used, you are a heart that is known! Sanctified in this relational journey, a forerunner blazing trails, a true friend of GOD, known! Your heart shall live on! Keep surrendering it all with your YES! You’re going to see a soft landing through it all!

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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