The battle has been fierce, your hands trained for war, held high in worship signifying VICTORY is nigh to the principalities and powers of darkness residing in your town! You’ve led out with heaven’s roar! Freedom from oppressors with heaven’s sword! Mockery no more! The King of Glory with you through it all!

We are in the year of OPEN and CLOSED doors! Finality shall be seen! We are in countdown! The tipping scales of JUSTICE are tipping in your town. Consequences to choices are going down. Oppressors shall bow to the Crown. The Tree who was cut down. Resurrected for every heart, an invitation given in every town!

Stiff neck, proud, double agents shall be shut down! Fools shall not run you out of town! Delusion and deception shall be brought down! Woe to superficial spirituality versus genuine humility! Double agents shall be exposed, the axe shall lay at the root in your town!

Where you’ve suffered at the hands of the oppressor, you’re going to see justice in your town!

A promise from Yahweh- Isaiah 60:17 TPT

Everything made better!

“I will replace your copper with gold, your iron with silver, your wood with bronze, and your stone with iron.” Copper (brass) is a frequent symbol of judgement and gold a common symbol of the divine nature. God replaces our guilt with godliness. Unyielding iron can be seen as a symbol of stubbornness and silver is a common symbol of redemption.”

The hope of Glory reigns in this town!

Where you’re bleeding out through injustice, oppression, control, watch for God to move those boulders, roll!

Symbols are a way Holy Spirit comforts, encourages, strengthens us as he speaks to us! Be alert and aware, sensitive to heaven’s heartbeat where you’ve taken a beating in your town! God speaking to you, in your town!

You’re going to see direction, continued provision, protection as you keep moving forward with heaven’s sound! God has led you out to lead other’s out too! You’re going to see restore and double where you’ve faced pain, heartache, rubble as a leader chosen to bring order to others too! Beloved and chosen, dear one, led by fire with your shining Knight in your town!

What’s coming involves sons! Awakened to destiny, kissed in your town! Hearts tender and true full of compassion for other’s too!

Many of you have walked through incredible adversity, the fake and the true, religious spirits with high hats, tie and bind, blind guides too! No more confusion, no more folly, no more lack, straining a gnat! Blind guides shall not have you! (Matt 23:23-24)

You’ve not cowered, caved or bowed! True Love, the Faithful One has led you! Into the cleft of the Rock, safe and sound. Patient in endurance, your head in the clouds, revelatory found!

Some of you are wondering why on earth THIS process? THIS way? You could have gotten on with your life as a son in the house a much smoother and easier way.. Why the long way round? Faithful steward, your life involves way more than simply your lot in your town! You’re a deliverer for generations, that’s why THIS journey, this process has gone down! Much of which is connected to time. Hearts coming into alignment through free will. The process of time. God always works through leaders, not a vacuum. Through your willingness to yield, you’ve been chosen to bring multitudes through.

Your on-going YES, is an invitation for GOD’S best! Hold the line, you walk with the Crown! The Crown is NOT going down!

God is full of mercy, patient and kind. Not taken by surprise. He knows the process of each life. Religious ties and binds, poverty, strongholds, lack in lines, it’s behind your back!

Jericho walls came down on the 7th time round through the fulfilment of what God promised! ALL have a place in heaven’s line! Last Adam laid it all on the line! A deliverer raised in Joshua led the procession in Jericho town! There is power on heaven’s SOUND. You shall see recovery, you shall see retrieve! You shall eat something sweet! Favoured, beloved, much loved indeed! The hand of God is upon you to set captives free! We’re talking generational can you see?

Your life’s testimony demonstrates supernatural strength and the power of God to set captives free!

The POWER of GOD amid impossible situations! The Faithfulness of the Father where others have walked away from their stations in selfishness, delusion, punitive and poverty. The Faithful Father providing for you and your family, can you see?

Shackles off of lives in your town!

There are people ahead you are set up to meet! People religion has nearly taken out! The compassionate heart of God poured out! The Shepherd left his flock for one sheep! The Father’s love is with you, restoring double for trouble in your town.

You are going to see the end to this process of walking into all things new- it’s due. You’re going to see hearts on fire two! Put down roots! Crops grown too! Glory, agency, freedom shall reign!!

There is purpose to this pain. Keep walking through, no need to hide, escape or rationalise. Just keep singing, keep walking! Keep showing up!

On the other side is FREEDOM for a multitude of hearts too, they shall taste, eat and see pure delight too!

Isaiah 60:19-22 TPT

Zion’s Glory

19 “The sun will no longer be needed to brighten the day, nor the moon to shine at night, for Yahweh will be your unfailing light; your God will be your glory!

*20 There will be no more sunsets or new moons, for Yahweh will be your everlasting light and your days of sadness will be over.

21 All your people will be righteous and will permanently possess the land. I planted them there as a tender sapling, the word of my own hands to display my glory.

22 I will multiply the least of you into a thousand and the weakest of one into a mighty nation. I am Yahweh, and when the right time comes, I will accomplish it swiftly!”

*Verse 20- The dark night of our sin and pain and grief are ended by the work of Jesus on the cross and the work of the Holy Spirit within us.

See John 14-16; 19:30

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