We’re going to see an army of faithful hearts, demonstrations of God’s love and power breaking through insecurity, fear and doubt in this hour. The eyes of the world will see! The Bride shall once again be cherished! Many will meet the Groom through her, divine connections shall come!

An army of valiant ones is arising in this hour! Transparent and true! No hidden agendas, secure through and through! Light and sound, found! Lives resounding with heavens’ sound! Clear as a bell! Stewards that are well! Living life well!

Naomi’s, Ruths’, Jael’s too! ‘No names’ who deposit Heaven’s honey to the lame! Sold out lovers true! Living stones, hot through and through! Hearts on fire, courage amid fire too!

Lamp stands! One’s whose lives resonate truth! Living life well! Stewards who steward well, carrying the baton well!

We’re going to see the least likely rise in power in this hour! Legacy, longevity! Hearts who steward well!

Don’t despise the importance of living with pure hands and administering your daily life well!! Your finances-, personal and public lives, take care of the small!

Taking short cuts now will not repay later well! Living an uncomplicated life will serve you well! Get your finances, your affairs in order! The character of God in you is the sustaining power to steward your life, the call and the gifts too!

The character of God lives in you! It’s whose and who you are amid the flesh, the world, the schemes of fallen man, the zoo! Your heart IN Christ is POSITIONED! Get your mind POSTURED, so you can live in peace and ride the swell!

You’re going to see longevity, posterity and prosperity! Don’t despise the small things! Faithful with little, you’ll be faithful with much (hearts). Every day is an opportunity to demonstrate God’s heart well!

Your YES is centred, you’re going to see God’s best!

May be an image of surfboard and ocean

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