Many have laboured under false responsibility and it’s time to see retrieve! What you can’t do for yourself, you’re going to see the love of God lead! Where you’ve faced rejection, you’re going to see favour indeed! False responsibilities handed over, favour lead!

It’s time to be OPEN to receive! To be willing to relocate, if led! To get yourself ready, be open to change! Be willing to see things from a higher perspective and see breakthrough indeed! Many of you have been encumbered with weight you’re not meant to carry, but you’ve stewarded well. What you bring to the table is humility, faith and purity!

We’re going to see partnerships in the night! Many coming through in partnership 2 by 2! What’s ahead is HEAVEN sent! Get yourself ready! For some of you, it’s been a 20, 30 plus year wait! You are NOT late!! You’ve walked by faith, you’re going to continue to see ongoing miracles as you take flight!

For other’s of you, you’ve come through your family line, partner and parents checked out, there’s been instability, insecurity and lack of commitment in sight. Nothing but chaos. You’re the CHAIN BREAKER in your line that’s going to be alright! You’ve taken on the role of mother, father, mentor and more! God sees it all!

I believe with all my heart we’re going to see Esthers’ emerge in this hour! What you can’t do for yourself, you’re going to see the help that you need! Some of you will partner with ones who bring inheritance to the table of property and wealth, others of you will bring courage and heart, a deliverer in the Star!

We walk by faith, not by sight, with wisdom in his sight! Contrite, willing to grow, willing to go!

It’s time to be open to receive what you need, you’re going to see miracles of provision in the days ahead unfold queen!


May be an image of text that says 'I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES'

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