PERSPECTIVE IS EVERYTHING don’t let the foxes spoil the vine.. a word of encouragement for someone..
It may seem some have had the cookie and cake, eaten two while you’ve been starving and everything’s been split in two..David was contrite. Utterly broken with a stained conscience, a leper made clean again! Don’t let the foxes spoil the vine! Your story is not your neighbours! What the LORD said he will do, he will do.. as you follow through. Stay the course. Hold the line!
Keep your mind fixed on his goodness and kindness to you and for you! It’s all coming together! You’re going to live in the fullness of your dream! Have long- term impact! Lead others’ into FREEDOM with your beau by your side!
Hand it over and keep sowing, mind your business and trust God whose in your line, on time. You’re going to dine! It’s all going to be fine!
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