A word of encouragement to those who are weary in the wait, you are not late! Many of you have been called out to call others in! It’s by grace through faith! Your life testify’s of the power of God operating in this space!

You’re peace poets, team players, contrite! Willing to follow the wind of the Spirit and go! You’ve faced many obstacles in the journey and it’s not been a pretty sight. Peace has led you through the night!

You’re not uptight, nor entitled. You’re a laid down lover full of gratitude fully expectant of deliverance in the night. You understand stewardship. You’ve seen the faithfulness of God protect and lead you in the call.

All are called, few chosen, because few choose to be chosen. You may look foolish to the worlds standards’. You may feel like you’re not making sudden impact, the wrap around presence of God surrounds you queen!

You’re a city set on a hill! Through faith’s decree you are seen! The principalities and powers of darkness exit and scream!

The ministry entrusted to you birthed in the commissioning and encounter you experienced shall prevail! You’re going to see the standard of the Lord there.

We’re going to see ministries that operate in relationship to local houses, mutual accountability, team. You’re going to see financial breakthrough and what you need. Supernatural signs and the widow’s mite as you lead.

Many of you have been hemmed in, tied down with life issues, past seasons, litigation. Enemy tactics to take you out! Tie and bind. You’re going to see true justice queen! That sad sorry saga will fade into unknown..

You’re going to see alignments and support that you need! You’ve learned to trust where fear and control once kept you and took toll.

You’ve stood unwavering amid unprecedented challenges which would break the toughest of men. You’re a ‘Samson’. A “Gideon’. A “Deborah”. MIGHTY in the Son! Anointed, protected, promised breakthrough! A soul winner on the battle field of life!

Many of you have continued faithfully in daily work, you’ve stayed faithful to the call, up early hours, dedicating your life to the call.

One with laser focus, not high minded nor caught in the snare of entitlement, fear.

First love is making way for you in 2024!

You’ve given your YES time and time again! Continued to do what’s right in the face of hardship, slander and attempts on your life!

You’re going to see divine connections for this new season ahead! The Door of life is leading you in the call!

No longer tethered to ties of religious control. No longer dependant on crumbs at the table from those who held the power balance and tied.

You’re free to run, justified! Trust leads on! Keep giving heaven your yes! The goodness of God shall not be mocked! He’s a faithful Father, one who’s fully in!

Your children’s children’ shall eat from the table of FAVOUR that lasts!

We’re going to see the coming forth of ’Samson’s’ in this hour. Couples chosen as champion deliverers!

Marriage covenants cut that are apart of the bigger picture to deliver ‘Israel from Philistine oppression’.

(See Judges CH 13 and 14).

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