Elisabeth Elliot’s story is beacon of life for many who’ve walked through the reality of loss, pain, grief. Like many of you single parent families, I too have learned that ‘wisdom gains!’ As Elliot is quoted to say,

“Fear arises when we imagine everything depends on us.”

Along my own journey, I have learned that walking with wisdom will take us further than we could alone in our lane! A good idea is not necessarily a God idea, wisdom wants us to live a prosperous long life that duplicates and gains!

When we feel we have no option but to struggle in our own strength, we’re falling apart physically and mentally from the struggle, wisdom calls us to ‘look again’..

Humility is the place of reward as we learn to become generous receivers! Asking, seeking, knocking, as we ‘look again’.

I remember during the pandemic, needing to pay my rent and feed my large family. The coaching/donations were non-existent as the world was on lock down and a fire burned in my belly to not roll over and die! I began to reach out and ask, seek, knock. Beyond the familiar, beyond the unknown.

We were doing all we could to sustain and keep afloat, I had started an online desert shop and sold my car to buy a small food truck. (some of you so kindly sowed into that). We made a profit at the end of each month, but I was living on 3 hours a night sleep! Not sustainable and not a long term solution to keep my family afloat! At the tail end of the pandemic, we sold up, came out with a a profit and were able to pay cash for a family car.

The writing, coaching and ministry of prayer and time spent sowing into others here in my lane is overflow from wisdom that gains. It’s in this place of trust and humility to reach out and ask for help, we’ve found on-going doors opening up to keep us moving forward and my health sustained! Wisdom gains!

Many of the students I get to coach are at different stages of their lives and being able to sow into others while I’m grounded has kept me moving forward, fulfilled, not living less than the calling- wisdom gains!

We have discovered so many quirky grants, supports in our community and then from the overflow, I’m able to strategically sow the little TIME I have in my week into others, with the gifts of the Spirit flowing in Jesus name! Wisdom gains!

Be encouraged today, no matter what you’ve been dealt, what you’re facing, there is ALWAYS HOPE FOR CHANGE!

I always wanted to be present for my children, to sow into them, not have them as ‘latchkey kids’, to give them a safe and stable base providing a launching pad into their futures with the best start possible! They are all on their journey’s, thriving with stability, safety and opportunity! It has been years of sacrificial commitment that wisdom has taught me how to navigate without being taken out prematurely through exhaustion and pain.

Elliot’s story is so inspirational. Her legacy is an inspiration for us all! Wisdom gains! Be open to become a generous receiver, the fear of not enough, the fear of shame, the fear of grief, does not have to take you out of your best life in your lane!

Daddy God wants to bring you help! Wisdom tailored to your specific situation that you need. Life balance, longevity of life amid the challenges and the reality of all you are navigating and stewarding. Wisdom calls us up higher! Here we gain.

Praying for you!

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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