“What’s important to you right now?” This is a question our coaching students ask Holy Spirit over and over again. It’s a loaded question! Your presence is vital in this hour! Plugged in, present in the here and now, a future that’s brimming with hope filled in the air!

Peace be still to the storm you’re facing! You’re going to experience,

“Rest in My love!”

Signs, wonders and miracles in your hand in the land! God gets the glory, his power raising you up in the land!

What’s in your hand right now? It’s not simply about stewarding well, it’s about investing in the future that’s in your hand! Where can you sow? How can you help others, seeing movement where your situation seems slow? Sowing your way out of pain isn’t about earning a blessing. It’s about a heavenly perspective! Your life is bigger than you! You have presence and your plugged in presence is a present!

Many of the students we’ve coached over the years have gone on to start small groups in their local churches; start up and run weekend workshops- others have written multiple books in different languages. Many have found employment and gone on to buy land, help others and move forward amid impossible situations that once kept them small, confused and bound! We’ve seen miracles breakthrough impossible situations as hearts have tapped into the truth and become generous receivers indeed!

The realm of the Spirit is full of movement! It’s green for go, light and sound! Not stagnant, there is movement all around.

The legacy you get to leave depends on perspective and an attitude of willing to lead.. you are not stuck, you are not out of the timing or the will of God. It’s always ‘plan A’ as all things work together for good!

Romans 8:28-30 TPT

“So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfil his designed purpose. For he knew all about us before we were born and he destined us from the beginning to share the likeness of his Son. This means the Son is the oldest among a vast family of brothers and sisters who will become just like him.”

Heaven has entrusted you with hearts because he knew you wouldn’t leave your post! You are not a quitter or one to complain! You are a glory carrier, empowered to raise up others in destiny and purpose in Jesus name! THESE ARE THE WORKING OF MIRACLES IN YOUR LANE! The confidence to stand against all odds! The capacity to stand in the face of adversity, intimidation and your flesh! Your presence is a present in the present, can you see?

The next generation coming through is a clean slate! In your legacy of service to your local house, as a widow, as a plugged in parent raising up the next generation in your lane!

Noble and true! God is with you! Sacrificial commitment! One who is true! Hold the line is what you do! Faithfulness in and around and upon you!

What’s in your hands today? Where can you sow? The future is in your hands and the Lord has given us instruction to steward, rule and reign on earth in heaven’s name!

There’s always movement in the realm of the Spirit, just as our bodies are designed to move, we are called to plug in, step up and step out! It’s in the unknown that’s the GOD ZONE! Don’t underestimate the small! In the CONSISTENT ACTIVITY OF FOLLOWING the leading of the Holy Spirit you’re going to experience legacy in your lane! Faithfulness is upon your household! Faithfulness flows through you! Faithfulness shall forever follow you!

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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