Glory to glory you’re going to see the power of God burst through! Through the dreams and desires he’s given you! To see hearts healed and blind eyes opened! Emotionally, mentally and physically! The Remnant is coming through! Through difficulties and through trials, through things done to them, triumphant by what Jesus has done FOR us!

2 by 2, the power of God released in and through you! HE qualifies you queen! The blood of the LAMB is enough! You’re going to see the love of God has been! You’re a great dispenser of light, one whose life shines bright! The HOPE of GLORY in and upon you! You’re going to see miracles queen!

You’ve given him your heart from the start and you are clean! Yielded, full of compassion, humble, you are disarming in attitude queen! One who’s a fierce defender of the weak and those poor in spirit, you protect children queen!

“You are unstoppable in Me”, says the King of Glory! Spirit led, faith led, you leverage fear letting it drive you into the heart of God dear. Like Jospeh, you know how to wait well. It’s always green for go as you lean. Your identity isn’t formed around what you do, it’s One with the KING of GLORY, together you move!

It’s not too good to be true! You’re going to see your wildest dreams come true! As you live present in the present, you’re going to experience strength and stay this day. The Glory of God upon you 2 by 2!

Divine set ups are upon you! Alignment for assignment in God’s perfect time. Don’t loose heart, keep sowing the “I don’t know” and the pain you experience as you move through!

Blessed are those not offended in Me, you’ve learned how to trust Daddy. Worship is your warfare as you go!

The fire in your belly is enough! You are made of tough! You’re going to see the religious strongholds that you face diminished! They shall desist and no longer hold hearts in a twist!!

“You are a deliverer in Me, can you see?” says Daddy.

Remnant, you are safe, sheltered and have the ear of the King with thee! Christ’s glory upon you! No longer blind, you are a sign for others to see the KING of Glory in their life!

2 Corinthians 3:18 TPT

“We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who us the Spirit.”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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