Testimony time.. I remember late 2022 when our rental contract was terminated out of the blue while we were facing on-going crazy through high-minded silly too. It was a trying time to say the very least.. yet PEACE. Amid the battle that was raging we listened and the words we heard were,


We did all we had to do to pack down, apply for multiple properties amid the housing crisis in our town; we also continued on through due process bringing order to our lives too.

The presence of God our strength and stay!

In February, I had a dream that confirmed we would stay on in our current rental and I knew to keep my mouth shut as we would see due process for the silly too. Justice and mercy work in tandem in a prophetic mantle. We stayed on. Amid inflation, amid unjust, we have seen a treasure trove of trust!

I’d set up this archway of trust in the picture you see, on my porch where I pray. A place of intimacy and quiet, my sacred space. There’s a crack in the pavement that reminds me IT IS FINISHED this day! The veil has been torn, and our victorious KING has sworn! Never to leave us! Never to forsake us! The ONE who does right, is just and relieves those oppressed, falsely accused! I knew justice and mercy would come knocking on our door! Over our housing, and over levathian doing its utmost to reek havoc over our lives too!

Last weekend at Church, a magnificent picture was drawn. A lion with its mouth wide open head up in full roar! The prophetic story told by the artist confirmed what we too had recently heard and seen. VICTORY is here! Over troubled waters dear! Whatever YOUR process is, your story is full of GOD’s GLORY! You’re going to see delivery of seed and continual provision for what you need! Angels with briefcases indeed! Ravens in the night! Widow with a mite, miracles in your night! The GOODNESS of God shall be seen!

You are a champion queen! Your situation is in good hands! Those of you ENTRUSTED to raise children, the SAFE and STABLE base you provide is not going to rust! You’re protected, you’re loved! You’re Daddy’s archway of trust!

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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