Grace is a person, not a currency, you’ve got a soft landing in this space! The Martha’s, the older brother, the worker bees, the ones who feel the goal posts keep moving and it’s just never enough! Those who feel so weighed down with unrealistic expectations as high achievers passed down. The standard is so high, the mark too much! The burden bearers, the carers, the ones who help so much! Grace upon grace is in this space! You are enough!
Your life, the financial struggle, the load that you carry, you’re going to see release and reprieve from tough stuff! Grace is a person and he’s carried your tough stuff! Many of you are going to see clearly now, you’re going to see a soft landing and see the monkey off your back! Lack behind your back! The fear of not enough! Cycles of defeat under your feet! Retreat! Yes, you will flourish! No, you’re not going down!
HOPE is rising up and you’re going to see re-bound!
You have TIME dear heart! Time to be, time to grow wealth, time to be free! It’s enough in this space and in this place! Courage to face your fears face on and say ENOUGH!
Grace is a person, not a doctrine, not a to-do list! He has dealt with your tough! A soft landing is here. Reprieve is here. The prison chains are coming off!
You’re going to accelerate exponentially as the foundation IN you is enough! Wisdom from above! Insight! Peace! No more tough stuff! Trust is a must as you’ve wrestled with your angel over your inheritance in the tough! You are enough! Alignment is coming! Lack is off your back! It’s going to work out for you in the tough!
Many are going to break free in 2023 and run free! Free from cycles of defeat! You’re going to see clearly now and experience reprieve and retrieve as time and wisdom is with you from above! Those who’ve spent decades chasing money and it’s never been enough. You’re going to experience reprieve and retrieve as you step up!
Grace is giving you a leg-up! Hope shall not fail! Hope is with you and you’re going to see the breadcrumb trail! Look up! Get up! Don’t let defeat, deceit, fear of lack, fear of not enough, fear of failure hold you down!
2 by 2, the mercy seat upon you! You cannot fail!
Bank details:
Empower You Coaching
Commonwealth Bank