You’re taking ground! Miracles shall abound! Because He loves you, he’s going to do it for you! That thing that’s impossible, you’ve chosen the better thing- heaven’s victory shall abound!

He’s lifting the burden of re-proof! The sense of overwhelm and the burden of responsibility shall not keep you down. The load that you carry, as you hand over the tarry, you’re going to see the Spirit of God carry!

“You are yolked to Me, I see. I do the heavy lifting as you hand it to Me.” says the King of Glory.

In your family, in your local house, in your single-parent journey you shall see heaven’s shout! The mocking spirit won’t win the day! The seed of God is bursting through you this day!

”Keep your eyes on Me, says the King of Glory. Strength and stay here this day!”

Love is lifting you up! Out of the pit! Out of cycles of defeat, retreat and the situations that mock you as you lay prostrate at the Kings feet!

You’ve chosen the better thing, humility is your secret source! You’re going to reap what Jesus’ has done and see breakthrough all around!

God is giving you new ground! You are taking ground, miracles shall abound!

Quiet confidence is yours. Where you feel like you’re not seen, where your situation is just too much. Where you feel like you’re just not enough.. He’s quietening you with his love! He’s lifting the burden of re-proof!

“Your vulnerability is a gift to Me, I see your humanity, I give you reprieve as you lean on Me. Where other’s refuse to bend and budge and mock and scoff, I give you My love! Love sees! I see. You’ve found a soft-landing in Me.” says the King of Glory.

Twice bitten, twice shy, it’s time to give it another try! You have courage to give it another try! In your local house, in relationship, in holding the line and being content in your season now!

God IS lining things up for you all around! You’re going to find yourself in the right place at the right time, on time. God is with you, all around!

There’s more to come! The heart, the grit, the passion to come! To enter in! Love is leading you on in heaven’s song! You’re going to encounter heaven’s kisses as you go about your day with a bounce in your step and the confidence to pey (to decree blessings and favour and all that you need for breakthrough indeed!)

Strength and stay is here this day!

Love sees you!

Love hears you!

Love leads you!

You’re in the wind of his presence all the way!!

Zephaniah 3: 18-19

“I will gather those who sorrow over the appointed assembly, who are among you, to whom its reproach is a burden. Behold at that time I will deal with all who afflict you; I will save the lame, and gather those who were driven out; I will appoint them for praise and fame in every land where they were put to shame.”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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