We’re in the greatest awakening in history and it’s not rocket science to see the world is shaking!! Hearts are opening wide and the King of Glory shall have his bride!! It’s time to arise and shine! No matter the obstacles that you face, you shall overcome with fearless faith! Grace is how you run your race! Mercy’s kiss amid the dis! Where you see lies and shards, you shall not bleed out in discard!

Psychological warfare shall not take you out! The enemy of your soul is a coward! Peace is your portion queen! Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God!

Peace poets release freedom! They release mercy! They go above the mind games, the nonsense, the distractions, the noise, the foolishness demonstrated by the powers of darkness sent to distract you this day! Fearless faith and patience win the day! It’s all a set UP!! Victory after victory you shall see as hearts are won and death is done!!!

Fearless faith shall be seen! Sons and daughters full of Holy Spirit’s power, out of the furness in this hour! Hearts on fire, arms loaded with the spoils of victory! An army of souls set free for all eternity!

Facing un-ending, monotonous opposition? You’re not alone! You’re surrounded by heaven’s army queen! You’re on track, you’re on target, you’re on time! It’s all a set- UP! The enemy shall cough up! The bowels of hell shall not have you in a spell! The key is to live ABOVE it all, not enmeshed in it! The enemy’s tactics are the same as always, he’s got nothing new under the sun! The Devil wants you silenced, wants you distracted, wants you small!

The King of Glory has chosen you! He’s raised you! Pulled you out of it all! You are NOT small. You may be surrounded, but the GLORY of God protects you from the fall! Your heart is HUMBLE. You are clean! One who lays bare on your face crying out for MERCY for those trapped in deceit!

You’re made for greatness! One who’s fearless! Courageous, trained in the kitchen, trained behind closed doors, trained in discard, in silence, despite hells subjugation and mind control, you’ve been set free to populate heaven and plunder hell!!

The LORD has blown the lid off the box, you are coming out full of power, full of Godly character! One who’s a fearless warrior, one who knows how to open your mouth for the mute, defend the rights of the poor and needy and run with fire! Fearless one, you’re going to see explosive power demonstrated as souls are coming ALIVE in Christ in this hour!!!

Isaiah 58:9-12 TPT

“Then Yahweh will answer you when you pray. When you cry out for help, he will say, I am here, if you banish every form of oppression, the scornful accusations and vicious slander, and if you offer yourselves in compassion for the hungry and relieve those in misery, then your dawning light will rise in the darkness and your gloom will turn into noonday splendour. Yahweh will always guide you where to go and what to do. He will fill you with refreshment even when you are in a dry, difficult place. He will continually restore strength to you, so you will flourish like a well-watered garden and like an ever-flowing, trustworthy spring of blessing. Your people will rebuild long-deserted ruins, building anew on foundations laid long before you. You will be known as Repairers of the Cites and Restorers of Communities.”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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