“Seed time and harvest are in My hands and your palace moment is nigh!” says the King of Glory!

It’s time for some of you to hold the line! Stay centred! Plugged in! Responsible for your part! Your prophetic promises are not in the bin!

Hold the line, you are on time! You’re not going to miss out! God is dealing with your spiritual enemies yet! Doubt and fear shall no longer keep you! You are an heir! Contrite! One who’s called to make things right! The anointing on your life is bringing fresh air! It releases life! Your part is to keep standing on truth! You will continue to see faithful and true with you! Trust God in the night, it’s going to be alright!

For other’s of you, it’s time to prepare yourself in faith to move! Movement is in the air! ‘Greater authority realised’ is here! The confidence to pursue, the hope of glory in and through you! You are one who breathes life! God is calling you to move! You shall inherit your personal 2 by 2! (Husband/Wife)

You release others from strife! God has increase and more in store and it’s out of the box that you shall soar! Tradition of man, how you were raised, parental neglect or emotionally cold shall not have your life in a hold!

Confidence is yours! The breath of God you shall draw! Reprieve and retrieve you shall see as you break free! Faith to believe! You are seen! You are valued! You are heard, you can lean!!

The Father and the Son have cut a covenant for you son! So you can tap in and run! So you can see with confidence what’s your inheritance and soar! There’s so much more on the other side of movement son!


Jacob schemed, yet he responded readily to the encounters he had with GOD and let heaven lead! He proved to be a man of his word in his dealings with Laban and he saw his legacy unfold as God was with him indeed!

Jospeh demonstrated behaviour that earned him responsibility of stewarding feast and famine times in the land! It’s time to get yourself ready with expectation in your hand! Your palace moment is nigh! The gifts of God will make way for you as you trust and move forward amid what seems like lie and deny!

You’re going to get the support that you need to move forward indeed! Your heart shall soar again as the LORD is with you in the sword! Truth is the final word over your life, your legacy, your destiny son! You’ve chosen what’s right! Humble and yielded, you’re going to see GOD come through for you in the night!

Where it’s been a lengthy wait, where you’ve served others and seen release and reprieve, you too personally shall see your deepest needs met!

There’s an awareness of how much God cares! You’re going to see it’s going to be alright! It’s time to get yourself ready, get your affairs in order, get your passport ready! Get ready over the next 6, 12, 18 months, as your palace moment is nigh!

Genesis 41

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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