You are seen, you are heard, you are not absurd! The Man of Miracles has heard! LOVE leads the way! The power of God is here to stay! You’re going to experience longevity of life, releasing other’s from strife!

Your journey is not too absurd, the Man of Miracles has heard! Your heart is right! You’ve chosen light! The beast of burden you’ve handed over in the night! The fear of unknown, your vulnerability and where you feel frail in the night! God is strengthening you, you’re his delight! You’re going to experience longevity of life!

Double is upon you as you lean! You are seen!

Double delight, heaven has you in sight!

Double for trouble where you’ve seen rubble!

Strength of a mountain and the Ox shall be seen!

Where you feel like principalities and powers have had a field day, you feel let down, like you have little to offer in your town.

Where you feel your strength has weakened and you’re no longer in your prime, the Man of Miracles is meeting you in your town!

You are not lame!

You are not tame!

The fire of God’s presence is in your lane!

The Man of Miracles shall collect that debt! That regret! That forget! That, “not yet!”

The awe and wonder and majesty of KING JESUS shall resound! You’re going to experience a miracle in the night, you are heaven’s delight!

Caleb was 40 when he stepped out in his town. He was 85 when he received his inheritance, the land, the band and peace did abound! (Joshua 14) “Hand over your burdens to Me!” You came through your family, not from your family. They did the best with what they had and now God is leading you into MORE. You are a deliverer son! One who knows how to come! How to draw! Through the wilderness you have experienced more! God calls you favoured, blessed, one who can SOAR!

You’ve dumped the baggage of religious duty and the survival tactics you learned as religion had you bound and sore. The Man of Miracles has come upon you with the SWORD! Faith has positioned you for MORE!

2023 is the year of increase and more! Increase of time, of capacity, of heart, of vision, more… You’re a Caleb son, one whose life is WON! One who has the guts to take the promised land and come! Your LIFE is a marathon, you’ve only just begun…

Faith is the ability to walk into the unseen! As you walk forward, handing over the beast of burden, heaven’s honey shall be seen! Faithful and true is with you! Making way, giving you the strength to pave the way! Faith sees- it’s risky and it’s where miracles are found! You’ve been set up for MORE! One who desires to explore! One who KNOWS there is more!

What you can’t do for yourself, He’s going to do for you! Keep moving forward! The Glory of God is upon you in the sword! No more oppression, joint-heir, co-equal Bride, you are heaven’s delight! King Jesus is here, the Man of Miracles is with you as you SOAR!

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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