The Balm of Gliead is rocking your shore! You’re going to experience healing and breakthrough as the power of God bursts through your door! The dry- parched- barren places of your heart that have experienced the counterfeit shall get a fresh start! Greater awareness is here!

The power and presence of God draws you near! You are so, so, so, so dear!! Every twisted thing shall be absolved! You shall eat honey from the carcass of your past! The binding and the blinding no longer holds you dear! The presence of God restores your soul.

Where you’ve experience scold and cold, you shall see the balm of Gilead, it’s time to draw! Where you’ve pursued pleasures that can’t satisfy, no longer shall you be tossed in the dust! Where you’ve been held in contempt, no longer shall you experience scold. Where you’ve gone round in circles, you shall break out and break free in your town! The Rest of God is upon you son! God’s best leads you son! Peace is your portion, Gilead is your ransom, you are free to be, free to run!

You can come! Lay aside the heavy burden and receive rest in your inner parts. In this place of healing, you can draw! Draw comfort, draw strength knowing it’s going to be alright! The presence of God is warm, heaven’s light always leads you into more.

More power, more sustenance, more of what you need, fresh seed! No longer shall you bleed! No longer shall you be covered in dust amid the rust! Gilead is here, you are free to be, free to receive! Healing waters are what you need! No more counterfeit. No more longing to find your feet. Sure ground, stable and true, that’s you! Gilead has your back! The balm of Gilead is hitting your town! Expect God to show up! Naturally supernatural, the presence of GOD has increase for you, more!

More than the status quo, more than the death decree religious tradition has taught you. You shall soar! You shall roar! NO more bleed out and sore! Emotionalism won’t cut it! The Spirit of GOD is breaking you through, new territory, new ground!

“Not by might, not by power, by My Spirit”, says the LORD! Zechariah 4:6

The breath of God is upon you! The HOPE of GLORY in you, found! You will rise from the ashes of tradition, breaking free from the mold, out from the cold! (Mold- to do something in a completely new way).

Gilead means,’heap of stones’- your testimony shall be told!

Jeremiah 8:22- Balm of Gilead- King Jesus, heaven’s honey, ransom for the pain of the world.

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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