The Father is with you queen! You are seen in the lean! Jesus came on a donkey! As we humble ourselves, He comes in power and breakthrough is seen!

The Father and Son are impressed with you son! You can come as you are, lean. You’re a great dispenser of light and you’re travelling light!

The cares and the affairs of life no longer holding you in a vice! You are free to be!

“Hand it over to Me and all you need you will see. The I don’t know and the it’s hopeless don’t you know?”

Faith has positioned you queen! You can rest and rely, that’s the BEST try!

Heaven is waiting on you! To be impressed with what HE’S done for you!

The message is timeless and true! GOD LOVES YOU. He’s done it all for you! You can come as you are, leaving the tree of good and evil, eating from LIFE (Jesus) where there’s no strife!

Your pain, your losses, the difficulty, Daddy sees. Holy Spirit is eager to lead.. The loneliness, the weight of life’s responsibly, hand it over and see! Favour is with you queen! There’s grace in this space and in this place. You are a light house! One who’s a great dispenser of light, you’re travelling light!

John 1: 15-17 TPT

“John announced the truth about him when he taught the people,

“He’s the One! He’s the One I’ve been telling you would come after me, even though he ranks far above me, because he existed before I was even born. And from the overflow of his fullness we received grace heaped upon more grace!”

Moses gave us the Law, but Jesus the Anointed One, unveils truth wrapped in tender mercy. No one ever before gazed upon the full splendour of God except his uniquely beloved Son, who is cherished by the Father and held close to his heart. Now that he has come to us, he has unfolded the full explanation of who God truly is!”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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