The heart of God is full of compassion for you! Compassion is bursting through, wave upon wave, his heart FOR you! You’re going to experience favour THIS WEEK, refreshing the parts of your heart and dreams that have been torn apart.

The presence of God is bringing fresh dew upon you. You’re going to experience favour where there’s been rejection, favour is bringing all things new! Your dreams, your heart shall see favour from the dart! There’s a taking away of the sting of the dart, the residue of past poison shall leave you at last! Diamond, you are true! Faithful and True is with you! You’re going to see your fresh start! Expectation is upon you!

“Hand it over to Me, says the King of Glory. I bring you reprieve and the timing you’ve questioned is in My hand indeed!”

Joy is your portion, joy is your secret sauce! It’s a gift of God that’s yours! It’s time to decree and to see! It’s time to sing! Your heart is FREE! Free to dream, free to expect good things and free to believe you shall see a demonstration of dreams as you’ve partnered with the Spirit of God from the start!

No more covered in the dust of disappointment, no more torn apart, you are favoured, loved, set apart! There’s nothing wrong with you queen!

Diamonds in the dust shall replace rust! Books written from your pen that will go to far places and touch hearts! Partnerships of trust that demonstrate God’s unfailing love! Children you shall meet who have a fresh start! You’re going to see your hearts desires fulfilled and a fresh start! Eternity is upon you queen, you are seen in the lean!

The faithfulness of God has been been and shall continue to be seen! You’ve been cared for by God through the raven’s in life and found support from the world as favour has come!

It’s time to receive reprieve! Expect increased favour with God AND with man to come! The priests, the levites shall embrace you son! No more under the old, inner and outer, you are free to come, love has won! You’re going to get your fresh start! Just as Hosea’s life echoed the love of God with unquestioning obedience, compassion and sensitivity for Gomer, your deliverance has come!

Refreshing from poison darts, your heart is won! Soft, pliable, subtle, joy bubbles are replacing residue from poison darts!

Fresh dew and favour with God and man is with you!

Hosea 1:2-9 The story of Hosea and Gomer. (Metaphor of the Groom and the Bride of Christ)

Isaiah 12:3-5 With joy you shall draw water from the wells of salvation.

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