You’re going to see the intimidation you’ve experienced for decades die! In this now season, many are rising so others can fly! What you carry is unique! The message timeless and true, the KING OF GLORY revealed through you!

Fear that caused limited beliefs and stagnation no longer holds you dear! Tradition and culture and false comfort no longer shall you hold dear! Intimidation and paralysis no longer holds you dear! Love has come and love has blown the lid off the deception the enemy used to hold you son!

No more hokus pokus! The power of love has come! You’re going to run! You’re going to see the power and authority upon you from on high!

One kiss from the KING changes everything!

The intimidation you’ve faced, it’s a hoax! It was intended to deceive and defraud! To hoodwink you! It’s fake! It’s not the true! YOU are coming through!

You’re going to break free from limited beliefs and see reprieve! Aware of Heaven in the atmosphere! The realm of eternal in your now! Empowered from on high with power and authority and confidence to fly! Meek and not weak, heaven’s made you strong!

You were born for more, it’s time to soar!

Your greatest breakthrough is on the other side of this mountain in front of you! It’s an illusion son, the sense of intimidation and fear that’s come! THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU!

The Devil is the father of lies! He’s a thief! Thieves don’t rob empty vaults! You are locked and loaded with the WORD OF GOD IN YOU!

It’s time to fly, to wipe the stye, you’re going to breakthrough and no longer sigh! The time is nigh!

It’s time to DREAM BIG! To expect BIG! The confidence, the courage and the guts to step forward amid the fear you will die! It’s false evidence that appears real! An illusion to intimidate you with an intent to defraud you! YOU SHALL NOT DIE!

Many of you will relocate! Into new nations, into new regions, into new towns! Taking on interim work that positions you for the more that’s in store!

No longer shall you feel like a clown! Held down by tradition, a sense of false duty and false responsibility and the hokus pokus that’s caused you to hold back in lack! No more waiting on an illusion, you’re going to step forward in the face of those giants and slay as GOD ADDS INCREASE on the way!!

The fear over finance, the fear over a fight, the fear over what’s right? It’s all an illusion, a delusion, a hoax! The Devil has been working on over time! Doing all he can to hold you down! God has the last laugh, that idiot the Devil is the clown! You friend are found!

Clothed in GLORY, cloaked in your town, it’s time to rise above and see rebound! Many will relocate and miracles of love shall be found!

John 10:10 TPT

“A thief has only one thing in mind- he wants to steal, slaughter and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect- life in its fullness until you overflow!”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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