Ties to the past shall no longer hold you in a cast! You’re going to break free in true identity! Anointed for LIFE and for others, it’s your time to come through! What once held you in a vice, no longer shall you see twice! You are called, set apart and dearly LOVED from the start! It’s time to sow as you go low! In Daddy’s presence you shall flow! With courage and capacity to go! In this season you shall see the reason. Why and how you should go! You have been set UP not set back! It’s time to flow!

The anointing on your life is for other’s as you go! It’s the capacity to lead out and set captives free with your decree! With heaven’s kiss and with supernatural ability! Mercy sees! The anointing on your words carries destiny!

Prophesy to the dry bones!
Prophesy to the dead places!
Prophesy to the destitute spaces!

Heaven is breathing LIFE over your heart and over your destiny!

“You are found in Me”, says the King of Glory!

It’s time to move forward as love leads! Love guides and love provides! Substance, capacity all that you need!

“You will see alignment in the assignment as you follow Me”, says the King of Glory!

“Don’t worry about the mockers and the scoffers, they shall see Me. Mercy sees. Mercy bleeds, Mercy leads. You shall take the spoils of MY victory”, says the King of Glory!

Where you’ve experience a steam roll and bullies of control, you shall roll! A warped view doesn’t hold you!


You’re anointed for LIFE, not strife! Strength IS upon you! You can fast from the past! Fast for focus, you are free! Your life shall last!

“All your days are in My hands, says the King of Glory. I am setting you up for UPGRADE in your land! You shall not die, you shall not be left on the wayside, I AM the why!”

“Lean on Me, not the difficulties you see”, says the King of Glory! “Listen to the wind of the Spirit, it’s Me, I bring you ones and two’s in need; others will meet you with seed. In ministry, in life, in community! Don’t hold on, release your seed, I see!” (Time, talent, treasure)

Jesus has paid the debt over your life, you don’t owe him anything! It’s your HEART he sees; the ring and the robe are your true identity! Heaven’s looking for your YES!

Galatians 2:20-21 TPT

“My old identity has been co-crucified with Christ and no longer lives. And now the essence of this new life is no longer mine, for the Anointed One lives his life through me- we live in union as one! My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who lives me so much that he gave himself for me, dispensing his life into mine! So that is why I don’t view God’s grace as something peripheral. For if keeping the law could release God’s righteousness to us, then Christ would have died for nothing!”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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