Those of you who have experienced betrayal and alienation and have been let down by man, the Spirit of God is your ram! You are one in the Lamb. He sees, he knows and he’s calling you up to go! Where you’ve been rejected and wounded and experienced sorrow, the man who became the Lamb has made way in his timespan!
Breakthrough power is here in this hour!!
The week before resurrection Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Kings rode on horses, not donkeys. Jesus demonstrated humility and gentleness in the face of oppressors!
One week the large crowd carpeted the road with their cloaks, prayer shawls and cut down branches shouting,
“Bring the victory, Lord, Son of David!”
Conquering kings would ride on a warhorse or in a golden chariot back in the day, but Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a domesticated donkey!
He is the King of Peace and you friend, walk in VICTORY!
The week after Palm Sunday He went to the tree! The same crowd turned and shouted,
It’s time to LAY IT ALL DOWN with the grain who was slain! (Matthew 21, Luke 19, John 12)
The crowd was expecting Jesus to immediately overthrow the Roman oppression and set the nation free! Many want victory before the cross, but true victory comes after resurrection!! (Footnotes TPT)
Whatever it is that you need to lay down today? As you do, you’re going to see VICTORY!
A golden chariot it may not be, a donkey speaks of humility!
The power of love has made a way!
You’re going to see breakthrough as you lay aside RELATIONAL PAIN that came against you to stop you!
It’s time to dive deep! To let the river of LIFE take you through the steep!
You are a flourishing tree! One who’s a symbol of triumph walking in VICTORY!
Like Deborah, you shall receive strategy and overcome and outrun your spiritual enemy!
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