Love is prepared to sit and park with you through pain! Never in a rush, love knows your name!
The world and religion finds its identity in performance and perfectionism. It is pride and it leads to suffering, not an end to pain!
Love is not in a rush, love is found in the hush. Love knows your name!
A pain free life is not reality this side of the Cross. We live in a fallen and broken world and yes, Jesus came to set us free!
He gave us keys! He gives us the power to decree! Yet, we experience pain and that’s not punishment or always because of a lack of identity!
It’s why we have the Holy Spirit and idealism is not his name!
This life is a journey, in our families, in our relationships, in our choices.
It’s a choice to plug in and do the inner work when iron sharpens iron and when we see our thoughts and behaviour hurt.
LIFE is taking responsibility to walk in wisdom from above and deal with why we hurt. Step up is a choice! A pain free life is absurd!
I see love (the person of Christ) sitting with you, embracing you and lifting off the pain! Love, loves to lighten our load! Love is not in a rush, love knows your name!
You may feel broke, you may feel out of stoke. You may feel like your best days are over and hope is a joke!
I’m here to tell you that love isn’t in a rush, but is in the hush. Love is ready and waiting, ever patient, ever present, love whispers,
“You are enough.”
Perfectionism and idealism is rooted in pride. It’s escapism. It’s making a deity out of ideal and it’s not love’s name!
Jesus was skin on, fully God, fully man. He lived a perfect life because he was sin free and connected to the One.
The Father is calling us close. Sons and daughters in the house, we are found because the SON has won! You’re going to experience pain no matter what. But you are going to be okay and you are ENOUGH!
The GOOD NEWS is, if you’re prepared to let go of the ideal and embrace the real, PLUG IN through your blind spots, do the personal development, step up and adjust, you’ll step in confidence in your personal relationships, in family, ministry and your work leaving a legacy for the next generation that reflects LOVE’s name!
Your heart is going to soar! You’re going to walk through open doors! Together, you’ll take flight! With God you’ll see an end to the internal fight. You are enough, it’s time to trust! Pain isn’t going to leave you isolated and ashamed! God’s got this and you’re going to see your two by two and build his Kingdom in nations unashamed!
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