Heaven’s Kiss!

Earlier in the week I had a vivid dream. In it I saw a man’s face and it was shaved, sun-tanned and glowing! There was supernatural rest and an effortless glow about the face of the person in this dream that it woke me up!
I believe many of us are going to experience the theology of rest! We’re coming out of old ways of thinking, where we’ve felt stuck in our past and unable to move forward!
I see an injection of HOPE! Hope that’s birthed out of fresh encounters with the spirit of wisdom of revelation as you sleep! The Holy Spirit reminded me of Romans 5, 6, 7 and 8 this week. These passages of Scripture are gold! The Holy Spirit wants to unpack these truths to you! Understanding our position in Christ is crucial!  This is how we STAND no matter the external adversity and challenges we face and at times within ourselves!
Many of the negative self loathing thoughts you have about yourself, are NOT from you friend. They are weeds sown by the enemy to slow you down! I see you strengthened and strong in the days and weeks ahead! You’re going to be one who walks with confidence knowing Heaven’s kiss!
I see you walking out Heaven’s reality over your life amid fresh God encounters as you sleep! You’re going to receive the strategies and strength for assignments as you sleep! It’s with your heart postured in rest and understanding that you’re no longer bound by your flesh that you’ll glow in Heavens’ flow! You’ll experience your greatest breakthroughs for this season of all things new!
Romans 5,6,7 and 8 are keys to marinating in the truth! You are IN the Spirit and one who will be LED by the Spirit in the days ahead! Rock solid in your identity, the bedrock of your faith! It’s from a position/posture of rest that a new and confident expectation is coming upon you! I see you fired up and rearing to go!!  You’re going to get the clarity for what’s ahead!
I see you waking from your sleep astonished by the goodness and kindness of God’s mercy kisses! You’ll be one who wakes up many mornings and after naps who says, “I encountered Heaven’s kiss!” A kiss is a metaphor of love and intimacy! You’re going to walk with the Holy Spirit as best of friends in this new season! Each step of the way following in his ways!
Wave upon wave of God’s goodness will be hallmarks of these glory encounters and you are are going to find the keys that’ll open doors of incredible possibility!
Keep your phone charged by your night stand! Keep a torch handy! A note pad and pen will be needed too! Journal what you hear and see.  As you sit with the Holy Spirit in the days following, you’ll receive the download you need!
We’re moving into the deep truths of the Word in this season friends! Eating the meat and no longer satisfied with milk! It’s time to have laser like focus and rest in His finished work! Blessing upon blessing be yours! You’re a living testimony of the power of love! Gods’ MIRACLE of love! From this place you’ll receive by faith in grace what’s rightfully yours!
Sweet dreams friend’s and Merry Christmas!
Empowering Grace Ministries

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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