Your Darkest Hour is Going to be your Finest Hour

Where there’s been ashes, I see incredible beauty! The areas of your life where you’ve seen wounding, I see refreshing! Your darkest hour is going to be your finest hour! You’re going to see unblocked wells and a greater release of glory in this hour!
I see a bumper harvest coming in! And it’s coming in through the very areas of your life that you’ve endured difficulty the most! It’s not the plan that you had in mind, but the Lord is not taken by surprise. He’s been watching over you faithful and true. His plans and purposes are breaking through!
Now is the time to dance! Now is the time to celebrate! Now is the time to let out a shout!
I see you administering the healing balm of Gilead in this hour. The wounded and the weary, the betrayed and the battered will come to you. They will be healed and their souls will be made whole. The King has given you his authority! You carry beauty for ashes!
The alabaster box of your life has broken open! God has given you the capacity to reach those deeply wounded with his love. To set captives free! You are one who releases the fragrance of life! Bruised but not crushed, healing will flow everywhere you go! Like the healing balm of Gilead, you will carry the antidote to the wounded and the weary wherever you go!
I see many arising from past ashes and giving the reigns of their lives back over to God. New opportunities are going to come your way and had you not have walked through what you’ve come through, then you’d never have had the opportunity to reach the lives of those you’re now going too!!
Many will testify of the faithfulness of God in this hour! The healing balm of Gilead will flow. Many will encounter the balm that binds up the broken hearted! The wounds they once held onto will be healed and made whole. The sweet presence of the Savior, soothing hearts touching lives wherever you go.
Jeremiah 30:17a “For I will restore health to you, And heal you of your wounds”, says the Lord.

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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