Reinforcements are coming


Today, I heard Father say, “I’m bringing reinforcements in!” The tangible presence of God was hovering around my head as I heard Him speak these words.

Then I saw a picture of many of you. Many have been standing solitary in their spiritual lives. Not alone globally, but personally it’s been a long and dry road. You’ve been contending amid daily challenges. You’ve stood faithful and true to His purposes for your life while other’s around you haven’t understood. The road you’ve walked hasn’t been an easy one, yet your eyes have been flint on the joy set before you! The presence of God has been your sustenance and his glory has been your rear guard. NOW, there’s a breakthrough that is coming that’ll catapult you into NEW levels of influence and effectiveness!

I see Church leaders being strengthened and aligned with NEW divine connections coming alongside to serve with you. I see entire families getting breakthroughs and I see spouses getting breakthroughs after decades!

I see ALLIES coming on board across the board! God is sending in reinforcements!

He’s not going to rescue you. He’s going to resuscitate you!

You’re going to breathe so much easier in this NEW season and you’re going to experience a great outpouring of JOY! With Joy, you shall draw water from the wells of Salvation. Things you have dreamt for years are going to come to pass! God is bringing in reinforcements!

Be encouraged friend, all of Heaven is backing you! There’s a cloud of witness’s cheering you on forerunner! Your BEST days are ahead.


Prophetic Book of Poetry

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