Hope on the horizon

“Look to Me and lost lambs returning you will see! They’ll come running! Your phone will ring and you will sing! Songs of victory! Songs of unity!”

“Set your table, the lambs are coming home led by Me!”

Today, while meditating on Scripture I had a picture flash across my mind of a series of dreams I’ve had over the past six months.
I’ve been seeing people in my dreams who have previously been in leadership positions in Churches who have been shipwrecked coming back to intimacy! I’ve seen families once in unity broken to pieces coming to their senses in humility- wooed by their first love! I’ve also seen adult children that have gone astray, discouraged, weary and worn out, turning their backs on the world, coming back to intimacy!

I hear the Spirit of God say,

“They’re coming back to Me! On the wings of your faith filled prayers, the wind of My Love is blowing them back to Me! My love revealed through thee! Your prayers I hear as you partner with Me!”

“I AM re-kindling the fires of FIRST LOVE. I AM restoring HOPE.”

In Luke 6:28, Jesus instructs us to bless those who hurt us.


Loved ones- family, past friends and even leaders who have ripped you off! Pray for them.

“SUDDENLY you will see a divine turnaround! I am the God of suddenly! I AM a God of MIRACLES and RESTORATION you will see! You’re My vessel of LOVE, victory you will see!”

I see dry bones rattling and coming together as we pray! There’s blessed UNITY as we pray!

Pray from a position of Heavenly alignment!

Pray, your position IS victory!

Pray, you have KINGDOM authority!

Pray, EXPECTING the answer as a guarantee!

Pray, YOUR prayers are powerful!

Clouds of doubt are blown to the sea when you shout VICTORY!
It’s time to let out a shout! Lost lambs are coming home!

The Good Shepherd loved ALL of us, all the way to

As you pray, set your eyes on the horizon as you will see lost lambs appear suddenly! Led back to intimacy!


Prophetic Book of Poetry

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