Now Is the Time

God wants to launch many of us into the most incredible and extraordinary situations! Things you haven’t even dreamed or imagined are a part of His plans for you and for me! In this season, I believe He’s making a way where previously there’s been no way! The hearts of man are dry and parched, they need a dose of Grace to taste and see! Grace, that will set them free! While our focus is on behavior modification, we miss a glorious opportunity to connect with the hearts that we see. His wisdom and His favor that He’s bestowed upon you and upon me, that’s what He wants others to see!

God is sending many of you out like heat seeking missiles, that’ll release Heaven, that’ll explode! With a powerful ripple effect in new, and unchartered territory! You’re going to receive His strategies and His Wisdom that will bring unity. You’ll be asked to advise and guide, releasing life and order across all sections of society. As you collaborate, the Holy Spirit will provide solutions to the problems you see. Setting those around you up for victory!

Like Joseph, God is calling many of us into higher places of influence across every sector of society! You’re going to be surprised by new alignments! You must be open to embrace change! It’s going to be uncomfortable and look awkward and even be unusual, but God is in it! He’s making a way where previously there’s been no way! It’s time to SHINE. Time to march forward with the Spirit of God into new territory! He’s making a way where previously there’s been no way! He’s going to release such power and such authority!

You’re His missile, sent into previously unchartered territory! Out of your comfort zone, out of familiar territory, He’s sending us out into the world across all sectors of society! Expect new alignments to come in surprise packages! Politics and media especially. We need to have a fresh perspective, shake off old mindsets and be willing to embrace with two hands the good works He’s set for us to do! Extraordinarily, He’s going to reveal His glory through you and through me..

As I was preparing this word, I heard the Lord say the following;

“FEAR NOT, I am with you! It’s a taste of My goodness they need to see! My heart is to prosper them and bring them no harm, this is what I want them to see! You are My firework of goodness! My glory displayed for all to see! When you tell them I accept them, they’ll come and experience intimacy. Then, I will set them free!”

“Will you step out with Me?”

“Trust Me, I will lead you into new territory?”

“I have placed you in this world, yet you are not of the world! YOU have a vital part! You are set apart and I give you My heart! I’m sending you into new unchartered territory! A heat seeking missile and you will fly under the radar, hitting the target! I have appointed ministering angels to go with you. You’re My beacon of light that will shine bright! You will usher in My Kingdom and My ways. “Fear Not! I am with you!”

“NOW is the time! Open your eyes, the harvest is ripe! You are My ambassador. Heaven’s wisdom is yours! My favour that’s upon you will bring UNITY wherever you go! My blessing that flows through you and your family will touch many as they taste and see Me!”

“Now is the time to ARISE and SHINE. It’s not the time to sit in the boat looking to the left or the right! It’s time to STEP OUT with Me! I’m taking you into new unchartered territory! You CAN trust Me! My favour that’s upon you will cause nations to arise! Out of the ashes of poverty, out of corruption and out of dysfunction and chaos I’ll bring UNITY! A willing and open heart is all I need to partner with Me! I’m making a way, where there’s previously been no way! I’m clearing the way. I’m opening the doors! Concertina doors.”

“Like a Joseph and Daniel, I’ve appointed you to release My blessing and favour across all sectors of society! Just keep your eyes and heart fixed on Me! It’s for nations, I won the victory! NOW is the time. I am sending you into new territory! Through you, I will set many captives free!”

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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