I AM your Bread of Life

“Keep your eyes on Me and not the problems you see. Seed time and harvest belong to Me. I am your daily bread. Your bread of life! I give you a hand up and a hand out! Out of the mire and the clay, today is a new day! I am your daily bread. I am the door. The ceilings in your life, I make your floor!”

“My hands are wide open. I am your hand of healing, I extend my hand of mercy and of grace. Look to Me, to My face, there you’ll find no disgrace. I am your daily bread.”


“The gifts and the talents I’ve given you will come to the fore as you keep walking through the door. Intimacy with Me, is your key! I am your daily bread.”

“Some of you have given your widow’s mite and then there’s been no end of problems in sight. Others have seen loved one’s gamble all you’ve had. It’s given you a terrible fright! You’ve been carrying a sense of grief, feeling all is lost. Condemnation has come to weigh you down. The thief has come in the night.”

“I release FREEDOM unshackling you now! Thought patterns the enemy has unleashed on you be gone! Thoughts of despair are not yours to wear! I AM YOUR BREAD OF LIFE.”

“I Am the God of seedtime and harvest! Seed time and harvest are in My hands! Don’t rip up the seed you’ve planted. (Your time, talent and treasure). It’s sown in GOOD soil. Delight yourself in Me, I am making a glorious message out of what you perceive is your mess!”

I am your daily bread. There is NO condemnation for you. Let it go. You can trust Me always, I am faithful and I am true. I HAVE come through for you. I AM THE LIGHT. Everything will be alright! I am faithful and I am true! I am here for you!”

“Today is your brand new day! I lift you up, I have come to raise you up! Out of the mire, out of the clay. I see your circumstances and the choices others you love have made. I AM YOUR DAILY BREAD.”

“Become a generous receiver daughter, a generous receiver son! I am the God of second, third, fourth chances! You are free! Free from the past, free from the pain, FREE indeed!”

“I give you a hand up and a fresh start. I give you the desires of your heart. I am working behind the scenes! Your future is bright. Align your sight! The abundance of the sea you will see! It will be turned towards you, just look to ME. I have set you free!”

“I give you fresh strategies. Listen to Me. I AM YOUR DAILY BREAD.”

“Ask Me, the power of wisdom to guide as I provide.” (James 1:5).
I give you the ability to create wealth! (Deuteronomy 8:18.) I will show you how to administrate that wealth as you become a generous receiver.

“I am your provider. You belong to Me. My eye is on the sparrow. I don’t forget even the smallest sparrow and you my love, are more valuable to Me than anything else in the world!” (TPT Luke 12:6-7).


Prophetic Book of Poetry

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