Persistant Prayer Breaks Walls of Resistance!

Your persistent faithfulness pleases God! He delights in meeting your expectation of Him! When you call upon Him, it’s His pleasure to meet those needs above and beyond! He pours His spirit out and apposing things take flight! (are annihilated). He is Justice. It’s His way to restore what is just; upright; righteous!

In a dream this week, my daughter Hannah Grace was standing next to me. I was brushing my hair. We noticed some nits fall out of the brush and onto my eyebrows. I woke up remembering the feelings of utter frustration and desperation when nits plagued our young children’s hair! The cycle went on and on for over a year and no matter how many times I combed through their hair, or how many pharmacy treatments I used, the cycle repeated itself! The battle was on! These parasites clung on for dear life. I was utterly frustrated! No matter what I did to solve the problem, I kept meeting a fierce wall of resistance! The breakthrough came some time later, a time when I had given up in my own strength and simply enjoyed cuddles with the children, nits and all!

I believe this dream is a timely reminder to encourage many of us to not give up HOPE! To trust God and keep pressing in. Not giving in to the status quo. To continue to SPEAK TO THAT WHICH IS NOT AS IF IT WERE! Thoughts of hopelessness and despair come to plague our minds, getting our focus off the TRUTH. Your faithful persistence will pay off! God will come through and you will see breakthrough!

That bully at work who intimidates you; health issues; fractured relationships; issues with loved ones that don’t seem to resolve.

“Continue to press into Me and you will see what I see. Healing, Wholeness, Freedom! Hopeless thoughts will be replaced by HOPE. I am your Hope. I am Just. I set you Free! I want to break down those walls of resistance. Those foxes that spoil the vine. They skew your view. Set your eyes on Me. I am near, I’m right here. My Grace is sufficient for you. Lean back and let Me soothe your battered soul. You may feel like you’re at your wits end with situations and circumstances you face, yet I say, NEVER STOP PRAYING AND NEVER LOOSE HOPE!”

“Your persistent prayers break down walls. My Word is powerful. Declare it out loud! Make a demand on Me! Don’t settle for less! I give you the best! It’s not your power at work in your situation. It’s Me! Call upon Me! I’ll move that mountain of impossibility! My fiery presence like electricity will blast through walls of resistance!”

Jesus taught the disciples to keep praying and never stop, or lose hope! In Luke 18, He taught on the power of persistent prayer using the example of a persistant widow who wouldn’t stop asking.

Persistent Prayer breaks down walls of resistance!

Jesus shared this illustration in Luke 18:1-8 (The Passion Translation.)

“In a certain town there was a civil judge, a thick-skinned and godless man who had no fear of other’s opinions. And there was a poor widow in that town who kept pleading and pleading with the judge, ‘Grant me justice and protect me against my oppressor!’ He ignored her pleas for quite some time, but she kept asking. Eventually he said to himself, ‘This widow keeps annoying me, demanding for her rights and I’m tired of listening to her. Even though I’m not a religious man and don’t care about the opinions of others, I’ll just get her off my back and answer her claims for justice, and I’ll rule in her favour. Then she’ll leave me alone!’

So the Lord continued,

“Did you hear what the ungodly judge said- that he would answer her persistent request? Don’t you know that God, the True Judge, will grant justice to all His chosen ones who cry out to Him night and day? He will pour out His Spirit upon them! He will not delay to answer you and give you what you ask for! God will give swift justice to those who don’t give up. Yet when the Son of Man comes back, will He find this kind of persistent faithfulness in His people?”

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