Lavish Love!


We walk by faith not by sight, putting our trust in God. Depositing the Good News everywhere our feet tread. Glory and Grace!

Heaven’s lightning conductors releasing the reality of God into this world.

Love, Peace, Joy!

Commissioned by love!

Revealing His Goodness. His Kindness! Oh, He is so kind.. It’s who He is!

God is Good and God is Kind.

Conduits of love! Love’s alive in us!

Love that’s all powerful!


Love that brings transformation, healing and hope!

We are in Him and He is in us!

Jesus is our mediator.

The Father says,

“Come, it’s all done”.

Principalities and powers were disarmed at the Cross. We’ve been given victory in His name! Colossians 2:15.

Forever changed by love, we RUN WITH FIRE.

Tearing down lies and building people up! Jeremiah 1.

Truth that sets hearts free! That is LOVE.

There’s no fear in love, for fear involves torment. Perfect love casts (drives) out fear! 1 John 4:18.

Carriers of the GOOD NEWS we proclaim His Name, healing the sick and binding up broken hearts.

Love is Lavish!

Loves Large!

Gives without restraint!

We subdue kingdoms, work righteousness, obtain promises and stop the mouths of lions! Hebrews 11:33.

That’s our inheritance and that’s our destiny!

Loved Much, We love Much!

Freedom Fighters, fighting the good fight of faith!

Refusing to give in, shut up, bow down, back off, compromise, whinge, complain, doubt or enter into the sin of un-belief!

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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