Know Your Worth/Live Free From Control


Love is a person. God is Love. Instead of reacting, retaliating, judging or withdrawing from a person who is operating in a controlling, judgemental or jealous way, we can apply the Word of Truth. We’ve been empowered to walk in the spirit and not by our flesh. It’s the Holy Spirit that gives us the power to yield our emotions and surrender to the truth- that’s what brings transformation in our lives.

The battle is spiritual. Understanding this helps to process and work through things. A carnal Christian is someone who is saved by grace, but lives according to their flesh mostly. Flesh gives birth to flesh and spirit gives birth to spirit. Depending on whose voice you are listening to, determines your response or reaction while under pressure. The principles in God’s Word are what we apply to these situations. Exercise love and be strong in the power of the spirit. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. We guard our soul (mind, emotions and will) and release peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and as sons and daughters of God we are peace makers.

Knowing our identity as sons and daughters settles our hearts and gives us confidence. Hebrews 10:19 Therefore brethren having boldness to enter the holiest by the blood of Jesus. We draw near to God and he draws near to us. There is no fear in love; but perfect love of God casts (drives) out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:18 (NKJV)

The story of King Ahab and his equally wicked wife Jezebel in 1 Kings paints a picture of two lives and their demise due to stubborn self-will and an unrelenting surrender to God and his ways. When we yield to the Lordship of Christ then we can enter into the joy of knowing God, live peaceful lives and have harmonious and happy relationships.

• Are their areas in our own lives where we are un-yielded to the Holy Spirit’s power?
• How do we live our lives harmoniously, soar above deception and not get caught in the vortex of emotional pain when confronted from time to time with controlling spirits in our family’s, homes and work places?


Humility is the gate to encountering God who is Love and worshiping God with action and declarations of praise puts our attention and focus on Him. We govern our lives by self-control, a fruit of the Spirit. God’s gift to us. The Holy Spirit is our helper and worship is our warfare. When caught up in a situation with family members or a boss at work, we can be on the front foot by acknowledging that the conflict is often spiritual. You can separate the love and respect you have for the person(s), from the spirit they at times operate in. Applying a Godly response with his wisdom prevents a myriad of problems. Not entering into a battle with a controlling spirit can save allot of heartache.


Set boundaries, don’t get caught up in lies, and remain rested even through it’s incredibly testing when such junk comes against you. Jesus was always very clear with demons. He didn’t tolerate them, nor did he give them room to move. Be vigilant. Feast in the presence of your spiritual enemies and don’t fight. Give God your attention and stay calm, you’ll be strengthened by the power of the spirit as you rest. Allow Holy Spirit activity to flow through you and your flesh will settle. Worship God in spirit and truth. Cast your cares at his feet and remember the battle belongs to the Lord!


Deception takes place through thought processes that are not based on truth, usually through insecurity and fear. When a person has allowed this spirit to take root in their life, it needs to be acknowledged, ripped out and dealt with. Pride is the root. This dismantles controlling spirits from their base and nullifies them operating. Old rubbish thoughts can be replaced by Christ centred acceptance thoughts.
The Word of God is our rudder. Ask Holy Spirit if he wants you to get involved with a person, maybe it’s a new friendship, a mentor opportunity, or a job offer? Don’t rush in. It’s not your place to fix everyone and every opportunity that comes your way is not necessarily God’s best. A good idea is not always a God idea. God knows the timing and your maturity level.

Being alert and awake and tuned into God protects us from getting caught up with distracting situations that drain our energy. The goodness of God is our priority! Controlling spirits are divisive and exhausting. Many of you are in families and in work places where there are forms of control and you can’t ‘up and leave’. But by being switched on and tuned in you can guard your heart and mind against such attacks that come from a spirit of control. From its mildest form of subtle manipulation and flattery to full blown rage and domination. When you are aware of something, then you are not going to be distracted by it, wasting precious time and energy, by getting caught up in the cycle that this spirit works within.

• We don’t have the right to make others fit into our mold.
• Accept people as they are. Forgive and be grateful.
• Trust in God and His timing and plan.


Pride is the root of control and is fed by insecurity and identity issues. Evidenced by the following behaviors;
• Subtle Manipulation
• Flattery
• Sulking
• Passive Aggressive attitudes
• Self-focus based on insecurity
• Heart not surrendered to God
• Push past boundaries you’ve set and demand your time and attention
• Assume to know your intentions and imply that you are not genuine
• Says, “You’re not loving me”
• Tells you, “You’re selfish”

Controlling spirits usually want something from you. They want your comfort, your attention, your focus and your friendship. Victim mindsets will lure you into their deception. A person deceived by this spirit, often may not even realize it, but will be quick to pass their judgement on you. Give their opinion and at times dress their words up with, “God said” to try and add weight to what they are saying. Scripture is often quoted out of context and you’re left feeling confused and agitated and often have a sick feeling in your gut. Manipulation comes with a cloud of confusion, fear and condemnation. Fear and control work together.

Strongholds are fortresses in our minds that are inspired by demonic influence. To be influenced by them does not mean you have a devil in you. Let’s be clear about that and not go on a witch hunt. If someone wants deliverance from an oppressive spirit then you can pray for them upon their invite. Demon possession and to be influenced by strongholds are two different things. As sons and daughters of God we hear what the spirit of God is saying via our spirit.

A Christ centered life is peaceful and releases freedom, wholeness and life. Expressions such as joy, peace, love, destiny, life giving words, miracles and demonstrations of God’s power flow through a Christ centered sold out lover of God.


Jesus sits on the mercy seat and He loves the unlovely! We need to be firm, and not allow this stuff to penetrate into our lives, but don’t be afraid. Fear not! Love is stronger! Reject the spirit and love the person. You can’t operate co-vert, pretending to be someone you are not to appease a controlling spirit. You have to arise and shine and even name the thing if needed, but don’t be a victim or an enabler of this spirit because of your own insecurity or lack of trust in God’s goodness in your life. Operate in truth and love as you walk in the spirit. You are free to minister life, healing and wholeness to those in your sphere and in the world around you.


When you know who and whose you are, no matter what tries to come against you, you take your sword and you stand up and you fight the good fight! With God, all things are possible! Don’t be intimidated and don’t believe the lie that you can’t be an enforcer of God’s Kingdom of Peace because of these spiritual forces. The Truth is, you are worth far more than rubies and no-one has the right to control or push you around.

Controlling spirits let off an odor that’s foul and self-righteous religious spirits like to attach themselves too. If you’ve been subject or the target of such spirits operating through people, you may feel as though you are not qualified to be used of God, or an ambassador of God’s Kingdom, because of the dysfunction that these spirits operate under and the motive to cause confusion and irritation. They want to rowel you up and get your emotions stirred and want you to press the flesh reacting with either fight (enter into an argument) or flight (duck and hide). Feast don’t fight! Don’t retaliate or react. Worship is your warfare! Love conquers all!


There may be chaotic situations that surround you at times, but you carry peace. Your life message brings order and Godly humility guards you from being influenced by control. God’s given us all a free will. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and will never force you or usurp your free will. The choices we make determine the quality of peace and order in our lives and God’s Word teaches us that living a peaceful and quiet (internal) life comes from knowing God and knowing His ways. No matter what our fluctuating circumstances are, we are kept in God as we continue to put our trust in Him and apply His Word to our lives.
We are given authority to rule and reign in our domain. This peace is released into our lives as we set boundaries with family members, work colleagues and social connections. You can be a well-oiled spirit filled believer that flows with effortless ease as you remain yielded and rested in God’s love and favour. Bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.Luke 6:28


Romans 8:31-39 (TPT)

So, what does all this mean? If God has determined to stand with us, tell me, who then could ever stand against us? For God has proved his love by giving us his greatest treasure, the gift of his Son. And since God freely offered him up as the sacrifice for us all and he certainly won’t withhold from us anything else he has to give.
Who then would dare to accuse those whom God has chosen in love to be his? God himself is the judge who has issued his final verdict over them—“Not guilty!”
Who then is left to condemn us? Certainly not Jesus, the Anointed One! For he gave his life for us, and even more than that, he has conquered death
And is now risen, exalted, and enthroned by God at his right hand. So how could he possibly condemn us since he is continually praying for our triumph?
Who could ever separate us from the endless love of God’s Anointed One? Absolutely no one! For nothing in the universe has the power to diminish his love toward us. Troubles, pressures, and problems are unable to come between us and heaven’s love. What about persecutions, deprivations, dangers, and death threats? No, for they are all impotent to hinder omnipotent love, even though it is written:
All day long we face death threats for your sake, God.
We are considered to be nothing more
Than sheep to be slaughtered!
Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!
So now I live with the confidence that there is nothing in the uni¬verse with the power to separate us from God’s love. I’m convinced that his love will triumph over death, life’s troubles, fallen angels, or dark rulers in the heavens. There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken his love.
There is no power above us or beneath us—no power that could ever be found in the universe that can distance us from God’s passionate love, which is lavished upon us through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One!

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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