Seeds of Greatness!


I saw in the Spirit this morning a whole bunch of seeds bursting to life. Seeds that have been sown over the years that the Holy Spirit has breathed upon as they have been sown and watered. I saw spiritual seeds bursting to life!

Seed was germinating and bursting out of the ground! New life was erupting up and out of the soil at lightening speed! Growing up towards the light, with trunks thick and strong. I knew the seed had been planted in good soil and hearts were ready to be harvested. Words of life spoken over people had watered these spiritual seeds and the Lord of the Harvest had been watching over the seed.

As the seeds were germinating and breaking forth, fresh shoots were coming up all around them. There was a ferocious pollination process taking place. MULTIPLICATION was everywhere! I saw seeds within seeds pollinating. Seed growing up alongside seed. It was spreading everywhere!

The harvest.
As I saw this, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit say, “I AM the LORD of the harvest”. There was such an excitement in my spirit that many who have been sowing and watering seed would see it harvesting! It’s a time of multiplication and harvest!
Some of the greatest harvester’s are coming forth in this hour. Ordinary people, child like in faith, with the eye of the tiger coming to the fore!


Some of you have walked with a sense of sadness and famine, hungry for the harvest not seen. God wants to inject you with fresh hope today!

Holy Spirit says,
“I Am the Lord of the Harvest! I have been watching over seed as it’s been sown and I have breathed My breath through you as you have sown and watered. There’s going to be exponential growth!”

There was such a peace and an excitement in my spirit as I saw the breath of God bring to life these dormant seeds. The heart of the message is, keep on keeping on! Sowing, watering and harvesting! You will see a harvest of souls in this generation and generations to come! Holy Spirit has appointed and anointed you! He is The Lord of The Harvest!

1 Corinthians 3:6 (NKJV) God gives the increase.

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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