The Unstoppable Work of God!


The God of breakthrough is breaking though! Rejoice in the Lord! For He will complete the good work He has begun! The things that are of His will that he has placed in your heart as visions and dreams they will come to pass through you and through me!!

Call upon his name and enter into rest. In that place of rest, you will hear his still small voice and he will speak to you afresh.
He will instill fresh hope and give you a confidence like never before.

You’ll carry the smile of God on your face in your everyday life as you marinate in his love and wait upon him.
He is coming in power friend! You are going to see untold power surges, the electricity of Heaven is going to flow through you in such power that entire streets and suburbs will come under holy conviction and acknowledge the Lord Jesus.

The days ahead are bright! They are full of vibrancy and the rainbow of colors speaks of his promises which are good and true.
I had a vision in my bedroom this week. As I opened the door from my bathroom and walked into my bedroom, I had a glimpse into the spirit. I saw hope and the promises of God fulfilled in a flash of light!

I burst into laughter as I saw dreams of God as actual realities. I saw the dream that God had placed in many hearts completed and fulfilled and given as gifts by God. The things which many have been tarrying for and waiting for as promises they are wrapped and ready to be handed over. Promises were being transferred from the Spirit and the Word into the natural!

The door is Jesus and the message is Jesus. Revelation 3:20-22 Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him heart what the Spirit says to the churches.

My heart skipped a beat with joy and there was such rest in these promises being fulfilled. No striving or struggling with flesh. It’s child -like faith that God requires. He simply wants your heart, not your hand. He will fulfill the good work and the plans that he has placed in your heart. Yes, there is work to be done, but there will be an ease from now on, as you stop striving to make things happen and simply rest in him.

God is calling his people into deep time in his presence. He is calling many of his children into a deep time of intimate prayer and worship. Consecrated times of waiting upon him and He will do in 1 day what you would achieve in a thousand days in your own strength. It’s not a time to cast off restraint, but to tuck in close to him, rest in his presence and let the holy fire of God guide you! For our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:29

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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