Love is Eternal


The love we have for one another in marriage is a magnificent gift from God.
On a human level we experience love in the form of friendship and romance – both wonderful. Yet as human’s we have weakness’ and imperfections in our natural state. Human love is flawed at its best.

When we excessively attach our self onto another person this can become idolatry! God has created each and every one of us to worship Him first and foremost. Only PERFECT love can fill that void we have on the inside.

God is perfect Love. He is also our eternal~forever~love.

The Cross paints this picture beautifully-

The vertical post depicts our Heavenly Father relationship.
Jesus-the beacon of hope and light of the world.

The horizontal post represents our earthly relationships.
These relationships flow from the overflow of our eternal Father’s love.

It’s God’s eternal love that completes us!

When Christ is your point of reference your first love- your everything, then earthly relationships come into balance.

It’s unhealthy to be co-dependent mentally and emotionally on another person- especially in marriage. Co-dependency suffocates the other person and puts huge pressure and un-realistic expectations on the relationship.

Biblical marriage is based on Covenant. God is the Covenant keeper and as Christians we are in a Covenant relationship with God;

Christ is the central figure in the Christian marriage.

When you put your faith and hope and trust in God, God and God alone gets the Glory in your life. The unveiling of His plans and purposes and His promises unfold along the journey.

Look after your spouse the best you know how, but don’t think you owe it to them to place them above God in your life. This will set you up on an emotional roller-coaster. It is God who has blessed you with a loving spouse. Worship HIM!

Our hearts are designed to give adoration and worship to God first and foremost.

We’re not designed to idolize human beings as our security, point of reference or get out of jail free card. We put our hope and our trust in our big God who works all things together for good in our lives. God’s perfect love is empowering! It sets you up for success in your earthly relationships and brings divine order!

Out of this eternal love, we can give to our earthly spouse the overflow!

Psalm 103: 1-5

The Passion Translation

1 With my whole heart, with my whole life,
And with my innermost being,
I bow in wonder and love before You, the Holy God!
2 Yahweh, You are my soul’s celebration,
How could I ever forget the miracles of kindness You’ve done for me?
3 You’ve kissed my heart with Your forgiveness, in spite of all I’ve done!
You’ve healed me inside and out from every disease!
4 You’ve rescued me from hell and saved my life!
You’ve crowned me with love and mercy and made me a king!
5 You satisfy my every desire with good things!
You’ve supercharged my life so that I soar again
Like a flying eagle in the sky!

Bless you friends,

Veronica Kilrain

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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