Destiny Lives In You




“Come and drink of me, from My fountain that never runs dry. Enter into my courts with praise and soak in the joy of My presence. I am the One who breathed life in you forming you in your mother’s womb! Nothing and No-one can satisfy your thirst, like I can. Destiny lives in you. For I am destiny! Yesterday, today and forever! With the fire of My presence flowing through you, we can set the world ablaze! ! Fire that releases Salvation, life and healing ” says the Spirit of God.

~ Creative abilities and talents flow from God’s Glory Presence~

“Drink deep! Taste and see that I am good! I will satisfy your thirsty soul and wash away the cares of your day! My presence- it’s your shield, your comfort and your safe place. Don’t look around! To the world and what it says is important. Your significance, your importance and the opportunities you seek, are found in Me. You are set apart for Me. Lift your eyes from your own strength and look to Me. I am your destiny and I have great plans for you! ”

Intimacy with Jesus~This is the place where big things grow!

“With My kiss of approval you can go forth in My love and in My power to reach the world without restraint! When you put Me first, you will be fulfilled in your everyday life. When you stop and listen with your spiritual ears and eyes, I will give you guidance and the words to say each day. My presence that rests upon you -it’s My gift to you. My favor upon you opens doors that put you in the right place and time and the connections are made. Confidence is your friend! Keep your eyes on Me. Not on the world around. ”

I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God , who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20

I saw a picture of a seed breaking through the ground and wanted to share a little of my journey to getting a book published. I believe some of you have been asking God, “How can I possibly achieve what I hear you saying Lord?”

Holy Spirit says, “Yes You Can!”

Let me share with you my publishing story- I am a wife and mother who is raising our four young children at home and my husband supports us financially.

Back in 2010, I was driving my van on the freeway, lost in His presence and the Lord spoke to me in a clear voice. He dropped into my heart a vision and desire to write a book. The chapter titles came at that time too. A prophetic edge to it, with the Gospel Message.

The heart of the message was birthed out of freedom. A cry to see the Bride standing tall in all her glory, knowing whose and who she is. To shake off religion- a form of Godliness that denies His power. That the Bride has been Empowered through acceptance Grace~Jesus finished work on the Cross.

So, I was excited and freaked out, both at the same time. The first thing I thought was, how on earth is the Holy Spirit going to convince my husband to agree to me writing a book when we have a house full of young children? Secondly, who would publish a book without any qualifications or ministry titles. I doubted myself allot. A woman, who thinks she can write a book teaching about the Bible? Crazy!

But,I had the Holy Spirit’s tick of approval. The anointing on my life from Jesus and a fierce determination in my heart to see it come to fruition.

I plucked up the courage to speak to my husband and we discussed the concept over a period of days. Then one morning on New Year’s Day 2011, I had a vivid and powerful vision as I lay on my bed. The essence of the dream was Jesus was with me and my husband in the form of a fireman with a hose (Holy Spirit) and He was walking ahead of us, spraying the rats and snakes that came along our life path. (lies from the enemy). I woke up with a supernatural confidence and then emailed a colleague who I knew had a small publishing company overseas. This kind man and his wife read my email and came back with a YES! I was stunned..(they soon became friends and invested their time and talent supporting me, way beyond anything I could have ever asked)..

The manuscript was written over a period of months and I asked some Church colleagues and friends to proof read for me. Most of all, as I did not want to mis-represent the Word of God and wanted help with any Scriptural errors. I was a total novice, not at all confident about writing or theology, yet had this vision. My English wasn’t very good at all and the words were all over the place. I sent the first chapter to the half dozen friends and one came back marked up nearly in its entirety in red pen. I was devastated and threw myself onto my bed in floods of tears, feeling completely inadequate and like a total fool!

After compiling myself and talking it through with my husband, I cleared my head and started again! I was far more thorough with the Scriptural references I made and just kept going.

Some months later, I submitted the manuscript to the colleagues overseas and their editor took time to get back. I had a dream in this time. I really felt like I had missed my target audience and that my true voice was not coming through in the manuscript. It just didn’t sit with me.

During this time, I had met another writer and had been connecting with writers around Australia. I contacted a freelance editor and asked her to read my manuscript. She came back quickly, agreed to the job and gave me her honest and direct feedback…

She said, “Tear it up and start again!”

Nine months work.. not lost, as I learnt so much.

I did exactly that and the rest is history. The colleague who was publishing the book for me agreed to my decision and I re-wrote the manuscript in a short period. It just flowed out of me.. isn’t God good!

The book was published. Which is a simple sentence to allot of work from a team of people. Editor, formatting, artist, photography, proof readers, text lay out and so on..

Lives have been impacted and changed by the message in this book! There are so many testimonies. From a business concept birthed in a reader. Healing from the loss of a daughter. Readers have contacted me from all over the globe impacted by the message in the book. All Glory to Jesus!!

1 Peter 2:9
You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

The creative abilities that reside within, reflect your awesome Creator. You carry His Glory! His FAVOR will bring the right people to you and open every door that needs to open. All Glory to God! Go for it!


Grace and Peace,

Veronica Kilrain

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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