Perfect in the Son




Grace says, “You are perfect in My sight. White as snow; a delight. I see you, complete in My Love.”

Galatians 3: 25-27 But now you have arrived at your destination: By faith in Christ you are in direct relationship with God. Your baptism in Christ was not just washing you up for a fresh start. It also involved dressing you in an adult faith wardrobe—Christ’s life, the fulfillment of God’s original promise. (The Message)

Clothed in Christ. One with Him. Seated with your Daddy.

An heir! No more striving in your own strength to inherit the promises.

Galatians 3:28-29  In Christ’s family there can be no division into Jew and non-Jew, slave and free, male and female. Among us you are all equal. That is, we are all in a common relationship with Jesus Christ. Also, since you are Christ’s family, then you are Abraham’s famous “descendant,” heirs according to the covenant promises. (The Message).  What are the promises this side of eternity?

Righteousness, Peace and Joy- these are God’s gifts to us!

Righteousness (right standing with God). Set apart, by Christ’s efforts on our behalf. Blood washed and free to be!

Peace. We’re anchored to Peace Himself. Peace that surpasses all understanding- no matter what we face. Peace is our help for today and our hope for tomorrow.

Joy. Our strength in life. Effort becomes effortless, with supernatural joy!

As heirs of righteousness, we’re supernaturally empowered to walk one on one with our Father. Looking into His eyes and listening to His voice as we walk in revelation knowledge of our identity in Christ. Despite the days when our condition doesn’t quite measure up to our position. We still have full access to the throne room- 24/7 access. We can come bold as lions, running hard into the soft and loving arms of our Father, comforter and friend.

Galatians 5:1 Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you. (The Message)

When you find yourself trying to prove your identity. Stop! and listen to the voice of your Heavenly Father.  He says,

Matthew 11: 28-30 28 Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Put My yoke upon your shoulders—it might appear heavy at first, but it is perfectly fitted to your curves. Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. When you are yoked to Me, your weary souls will find rest. 30 For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.  The Voice (VOICE)

The TRUTH is you are complete in Christ. You don’t have to prove anything! Stand on the truth of the Word and cease from performance based thinking and acting as if you need to do more to be more. That’s like a hamster wheel, going round and round.

2 Corinthians 5:21- For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

When your un-renewed mind says you’re not good enough, your Father says, “You are beautiful. You’re smart. You’re a winner!” When the circumstances that surround you tell a different story, your Daddy says, ” Don’t worry. Look up! You’re anchored to My peace. I will guide you through the storm. Keep your eyes on Me always-no matter what’s going on around you and the voices of human reason that try and tell you otherwise. I AM the author and the perfecter of your faith. I will never leave you and I am always on your side.”

An invitation~ Come and sit and rest in My presence. Together, we will achieve great things, says God. As you rest, you’ll soften more and more towards My great love and all the cares you have to contend with, all the problems you face.. they’ll melt like wax in My presence. When you experience My love, you’ll be enabled to love those around you and transformation will take place in many areas of your life. You are destined for greatness!

Grace and Peace

Veronica Kilrain

Empowering Grace Ministries

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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