Rest In My Love




Not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord!  Zechariah 4:6

Rest in My Love as Grace propels you forward in this life!

“I’ve promised you much and I’ve shown you your inheritance. You see un-level ground in front of you yet, I have set a path before you that is straight. Watch and see as I smooth out the dips in the road. Some of you are experiencing feelings of unrest and unease. ~Let Me quieten you with My Love. You see the obstacles that appear to block My plans for your life, yet I am working in and through you at this time- amid these obstacles. My Glory is and will be revealed in and through you in greater measure. Nothing can stop you walking into destiny as you remain rested in Me.”

“I am Love and I have made you a vessell of My Love. There is an outworking and the process of time. Your flesh wants to push and strive and even at times wants to kick down doors to your destiny. Yet, I say, rest in My love. Spend time with Me and wait upon Me. In these times of solidtude and quieteness, I will give you strategies and an empowerment by the wind of My Spirit”

“Your position In Me. -This is your qualification! You will inherit what I have promised you.”

“As you rest ~ not being passive, but secure in My love, I will advance you and propel you into the promises I have for you at lightening speed. You will see an acceleration that will advance you with My favor. Doors will open at the appointed time and you will be astonished at the ease in which I fulfill the dreams and visions that I’ve planted in your heart. Have I not said it will come to pass that which I predestined for you? I’ve shown you My kingdom and your inheritance. Simply rest and trust.”

“I will bring into alignment the things that are not yet aligned. Some of you are worried about relationships that are dear to you. I will smooth out the lumps and the bumps in the road and make the path straight as your advance forward in My purposes and plans for your life.”

“Don’t be afraid. I will silence your enemies. Like Moses, I am calling you to seek My face.”

Moses (the deliverer) heard God’s voice and obeyed. The angel of the Lord went before the people. Moses stood with God, overcame his fear, saw the Lord fight his battle and kept his peace.
He stopped questioning his lack of qualification and moved forward in obedience at the appointed time with what God had shown him, as instructed trusting God along the way.
Moses lifted up his rod, stretched out his hand over the sea and divided it in the name of the Lord. The Israelite’s walked on dry ground through the midst of the sea into their freedom.

Just like Moses, you and I will see God’s mighty hand work in our lives as He fulfills all He has said as He will. (Exodus Chapter 14 summarized.)

~Rest in My love~

“You won’t grow weary as you rest in My love. I will lead you on the path that leads to life everlasting. Trust and rest in Me as I guide you in your everyday life. Your inheritance is in Me and I have empowered you by the power of My Spirit to overcome in this life. To blaze trails and bring about change for future generations. To be salt and light. To heal the sick (physical, emotional and mental health) and to go forward in My power! I am your comfort, your strength and your reward. Your part is to stay rested in My love. Keep your eyes on Me, I am the prize. (Philippians 3:14)  -as you move forward in the purposes and plans I have planted in your heart. In your family life, your work life and in your sphere of influence. Watch and see as I move the pieces of the puzzle of your life into place and the fulfillment of all that I have promised will take place. ”

Rest in My Love.

Peace and Grace,

Veronica Kilrain

Zechariah 4:4-14 The Voice (VOICE)

But what are these things, lord?

Heavenly Messenger: Do you not know what they are?

Zechariah: No, lord. I don’t.

Heavenly Messenger (changing the subject): The Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, has said this to Zerubbabel: “Your strength and prowess will not be enough to finish My temple, but My Spirit will be.” And He says this to those thwarting Zerubbabel’s efforts: “Who are you, O mighty mountain of opposition? Before Zerubbabel, you will become nothing more than a smooth plain, and he will quarry the capstone and bring it out to the sound of people shouting, ‘God, grant it Your grace! God bless it!’”

The word of the Eternal came to me again to reiterate what was just reported.

Heavenly Messenger: Zerubbabel’s very own hands have laid the foundation of this new temple, and his hands will complete it. When he does, it will be clear to you that the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies, has sent me to you.10 Now all who have frowned on the day when only slight progress was made to reconstruct the temple will celebrate when they see the stone that centers the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel, who will survey Jerusalem.

(finally answering his earlier question) The seven lamps on top of the lampstand are the eyes of the Eternal One, diligently searching the earth.

Zechariah (to the heavenly messenger): 11 What are the two olive trees, the ones on the right and left of the lampstand? What do these mean?

12 (persisting) And the two fruitful olive branches that extend toward the lampstand, the ones supported by the two gold pipes pouring out their gold oil—what do these mean?

Heavenly Messenger: 13 Do you not know what they are?

Zechariah: No, lord. I don’t.

Heavenly Messenger: 14 The olive trees are the two men who have been anointed with fresh oil, Zerubabbel and Joshua. They will rule Jerusalem jointly, one over politics and one over religion, and serve the Master over all the earth.



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