Great Exploits!

The people that know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits! Daniel 11:32b

Don’t you love this Scripture? It’s the bed rock of my Christian walk. I am often asked how I achieve what I do and what’s the secret? To which I point up- or to my belly, where the spirit of God lives.

The truth is simply this. I know that I fail dismally without God. But with God, I can do all things! The confidence God gives us brings a great a great deal of rest in life. It says that I don’t have to try hard or pretend to be something I am not.

With God ordinary people can do extraordinary things! God’s presence is what guides and provides.

Today, I met with a girlfriend for coffee-it was a welcomed outing after a massive week of administrative and household duties. Sitting in a local botanical gardens enjoying good conversation we noticed a press conference being set up a few meters away.

Hand shakeWithin the hour, we had met the State Premier (who is a very busy man), and several other Governmental ministers, as well as some local candidates running for State and Federal Parliament. (There’s a State election in Western Australia in 2.5 weeks).

As I shook hands with one of the local politicians introducing myself, he said he had “just received my book on his desk this morning and had goose bumps when he picked it up!”

With God life is exciting!  He drops things into our hearts (on this occasion, my girlfriend suggested the meeting place) and as we follow his leading, we get to partner with him in incredible ways!


Prophetic Book of Poetry

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