Good News

There’s nothing like getting a cheque in the mail, or a phone call that brings good news! The kingdom of God is like a party. It’s really good news! So what is this good news and what has it got to do with you and me?

Well it’s not a tradition nor is it a set of man made rules and there’s no rituals that makes it Good News.

The Good News is simple, yet it’s a profound message. Basically God has made a way for mankind to enjoy  fellowship with Him from now into eternity. He has made us all in His image. The sin that separated us from God, has been paid for.  Jesus has made the way for every man woman and child to enter into an eternal relationship with Him.

There is no fear in death, as the perfect love of God has cast out all fear! His unconditional love has set us up for success. He believes in us and so we can receive all that has been done on our behalf! The work is done. Our part is to enter into rest.

Nothing we have done or can do, can make God love us more. He relates to us through His Son, and has our best interests at heart. He loves us as we are, yet loves us too much to leave us in our current condition. This is the journey. Life with God is a celebration. It’s a party and the Spirit of God has a knack of working all things together for good in our lives. There’s never a dull moment walking with God and all things are truly possible with Him!

You can accept the Lord Jesus into your heart too. Not like a distant brother, but He desires to become your best friend. The peace of God that you will encounter for yourself is second to none. Life with God is Amazing. Receiving Jesus is as simple as saying these words.

John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.”

Dear God,

I acknowledge you and ask you to wash me clean with your blood.

Thank you for paying the price for all my sin at the Cross.

Nothing and nobody can separate me from your love, fill my heart with your love.

I accept you as my Lord and as my Savior.

In Jesus Name,


Welcome to the family of God!

Please send me a message if you have said this prayer and we can chat further from there.

Love Veronica.


Prophetic Book of Poetry

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