
Some months back I stumbled across a website address for the Word Writers which is a group of Christian Writers, who connect at intervals and is on the other side of Australia. I subscribed to the email address and from time to time received information on writing. Six months ago, an invitation to attend the annual conference arrived. Instantly, I knew I had to go. Pete said, ” book it” and so the ball was in motion.

Last weekend I flew to Brisbane and met the connecting bus that took me to the conference. On the bus trip up the coast, I happened to sit next to an Irish man whose name is Henry. We hit it off straight away. For some unknown reason, the opening sentence to our conversation was about real estate.  We discussed the financial climate and mining sector in Western Australia. I felt led to share some of Peter and my personal financial journey.  Specifically, how and why we have partnered with Kingdom purposes over the last five years in the nations and the wild ride its been as God has blown us away with his unmerited favor, provisions, bonus’ and heaps of other financial gifts.

Instead of trying to get all we can, can all we get and sit on the can.. we’ve chosen to live by faith and sow seeds in the nations.. God has increased those seeds exponentially and we are living a crazy and exciting life of walking in the spirit in the area of finances. Learning to rest in God’s endless provisions. More houses will come our way again for sure.

While on the bus, I was very tired and had fainted on the plane from my low blood pressure. Having not been out of the house on a plane for two years. I was reminded to travel fresh.

Henry started regailing dozens of stories to me as the bus traveled up the coast at a decent speed. He spoke fondly of his wife Joy the whole way, telling me she is the brain in the marriage and how she keeps him centered. Joy packed Henry up and sent him on this trip to receive an award for his self-published biography that she had put his book forward for.

I cried tears of joy as Henry shared story after story of his travels across the southern hemisphere and all the wonderful people he has had the pleasure of sharing the love of God with in the pubs, and clubs and in the streets. He told me many testimonies of the people he has prayed for and seen set free from significant issues, such as depression, suicidal thoughts, drug addiction, and many other deliberating problems .

“Don’t fill your head up with good ideas Veronica, he said.” Sharpen the gift of discernment and the seer anointing that is on your life.”

Life in the spirit truly is effortless! “There is work to be done”, I thought, but in my typical overly ambitious ways, I’d been trying to flesh out the rest of my book. The whole time I was with Henry, the Scripture ‘spirit gives birth to spirit, flesh gives birth to flesh’ flashed through my mind.

This time away refreshed me, and reminded me that with God, all things truly are possible. The Holy Spirit confirmed to me that I was on the right track, by sharing personal stories that carry spiritual truths in my up and coming book called “walking in the spirit”.

The Gospel is simple and signs and wonders follow this profound message of hope and life. The supernatural life is void of human effort. It’s a life of resting in God’s goodness and from this position, the spirit flows. We get to learn how to partner with God as we exercise the gifts of the spirit through a personal and intimate relationship with God.  His plans and purposes flow freely in our lives as we trust and walk with Him.

We sat on a bench looking out over the beach, drinking a beer and laughing at how simple the Christian walk is!

Henry went onto win the Omega Writers reviewer’s award! I commented on how prophetic that was! The awards of this world go to those whose first love is Jesus, and as Julie Meyer ( an American psalmist) says, not to those who are won over by fame, fortune or favor!

Prophetic Book of Poetry

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