After responding to the call in 2011 ( 2 decades of prior training, in-house service, deliverance, character growth, gifting activation), sadly in 2017 I went through a life- saving divorce. Working on- line pivoting solely into social media since this time. I’ve declined many invitations in my city, some interstate and international speaking opportunities too, due to my family responsibilities and the wounding we’ve experienced in a household of friends. Travel is not a priority, that will come in time too. My focus has been on raising and seeing others fly while providing stability for my tribe. Through financial hardship we’ve contended and held the line sowing our lives as bread cast on the water, yielded to the call.

Re-branding the ministry, unable to travel, I’ve used what’s in my hands, laser focused on reaching hearts on the edge of the cliff, the Shepherd with His staff drawing close the 1! In a coaching capacity, equipping and training, working 1:1. Serving through broadcasting, ministering from overflow. People donate. I also write and publish as an indie- author. All from home, across the globe. You can’t escape a call. It chases you down.. It’s always calling you, truth north in your town!

Each story is different, where YOU fit and how you can serve is UNIQUE to you amid the call! Look at what you’re good at. A track record will show where your leadership is stable, consistent and strong. What are your key qualities, where can you serve? Maybe you’re at a ’next stage’ of your call having been a Senior minister of a local church for over a decade or more? A church worker paid a salary, a role of a father and mother to many! On call, 24/7, a steep call! Established a board, provision oversight, carrying the financial aspects of the ministry. This juncture you’re at, this step forward is scary and you’re worried you’re going to free fall!

Stepping out in itinerant ministry, (lead, train, equip, activate in the body of Christ) may for you, involve a base support income- (consider part- time vocational work in the areas you’re trained in- community services, chaplaincy, pastoral/theology, professionally trained counsellor) as you travel in and out of regions and countries like an elastic band, as you go. The journey of faith and trust for your unique fit is tailored to you! Faith steps are different for each person. Some have passive income streams in real estate, writing or appreciating assets paying dividends as additional income streams.

Honorariums can be non existent, groups and organisations that invite you in, may not have the capacity to pay for your time either. Communication in writing is important, as are multiple streams of income to consider as a minister who travels to serve others.. With global travel today, we can learn from Paul the Apostle as he travelled. Faithful Philippians sponsored him, he had contentment in the call no matter how he lived, centred in heaven’s call! Motivated by love, motivated by call. Do you write? Look into print on demand services. Remember, the GIFTS on your life for others are what the invitations are for. A gift is a gift, you steward this well.


You have the heart and call to serve in a ministry capacity in a teaching and speaking way and it’s a call that terrify’s you!! Terrific! You’re in good company! HE qualifies the called! Worthy to receive, your YES is all heaven needs! There’s allot of ego and pseudo out there. We’ve all seen leaders fail and fall. You need more than simply the ‘call’, prophetic school training, and higher education too. Yes, there are charlatans out there, but most are mere men and women whose hearts are pure, amid their own process too. It’s the HEART for other’s to encounter TRUTH in love that sustains you in the call!


The first 7 years of this ministry 2010- 2017 there there was no income in the ministry, we sowed thousands of dollars in book production, website, hosting and my time sacrificially. Kissed by the KING, his faithfulness my signet ring! I kept faithfully showing up serving while hell broke loose to take me out! In the 7th year a trickle of finances began to flow. That release involved mindset training, blockages and poverty being broken off me too. I kept sowing the gift, working in my lane head in the clouds, boots on the ground! Launched a pilot training course on identity and purpose and then the pandemic hit! Everything locked down, all my children home, I worked around the children’s daily routines, pivoting into 4am broadcasting reaching hearts across the globe as a poetic flow emerged! Another book was birthed, sponsored by a lady who’s an intercessor in Bulgaria!


What’s kept me here amid personal pain, let down, losses and on-going matters restricting me, is FIRE in my belly for those bleeding out through mind-bending pseudo religion, in Jesus name! A complete mockery of freedom, free will, personal heart choice and what a life of faith is. Lives in the balance, whose hearts want to encounter nothing more than, God’s presence!

I refuse to be a statistic, a voice snuffed out after years of deliverance, breakthrough, stability, seeing heaven in my line through and through! The warfare isn’t about us!! It’s about souls that we’re led to lead, guide! See encounter TRUTH in love, death to LIFE, freedom from false narratives, fire!

I refuse to allow the suffering I’ve endured to take me out- as I know it’s not about me, the war is over hearts to come, taste and see! What YOU carry is for OTHERS, can you see? ALL are called, few choose to be chosen.. Matthew 22 The Parable of the Wedding Feast.

Footnote Matt 22:3 TPT The messenger- servants are the prophets he sends to summons the people to enter into the love feast of Jesus. It is all about the wedding of the Lamb to the Bride of Christ.


The journey of experiencing the richness of God’s goodness, overshadowed by lack, intimidation and sadness can affect you mentally and emotionally, a relational drain. As you encounter transactional relationships as a minister and in ministry. Some see you as a threat to their income source. It can be quite ugly out there. Especially if you’re on ’someone else’s turf’. Insecurity, and intimidation can take an empath out of ministry- overwhelmed by the sheer weight of opposition; the mental battle, insurmountable hurdles you face, legal battles you’re drawn into (that can go on for a decade)- Apostle Paul faced 3 in his 40 years ministry. Financial hardship, persecution and heartbreak!


That’s the good thing about being authentically you- not owned by another’s name as you navigate the sea out- established in the truth, led by the FAVOR of God for rain. Established leaders may ignore you. These aren’t your people. “Not one of us.” “Not sent or raised up under us.” There are ‘unwritten ownership rules’ in ministry lanes. These are not your people. Particularly if you’re ministering to fringe groups, people like you who’ve walked through divorce (in many lanes, if you’re divorced and in ministry you’re treated like a leper, defective, a quitter with the responsibility to keep the marriage together, on you).

The truth is you’ve been called and equipped to reach hearts who have been marginalised.

You may have been in awe of some of these leaders in past days and that’s the beauty of growing! You’ve been raised on the backside of a hill, called and chosen!We’re meant to grow up and step out! To raise others up where we’re called and where we’re OILED!

There’s been a changing of guard dear.. you’re the remnant, awakened to destiny, alive here! There’s work to be done! Hearts to reach, the power of God to be seen, demonstrated through sons!

Some may be shouting ‘hallelujah’ as you come in the name of the Lord, other’s will have knives in your back, out to kill you with a sword! It’s all apart of it. The promise of PROTECTION is in the call!

With clean hands, pure heart, meekness which isn’t weakness; eyes wide open, disarming in faith and patience amid other’s process- you’ll continue to last! Moving forward, decade in, decade out. Touching heaven, changing earth! Knowing worth, established in identity, leaning on faith, open to generous hearts!

There are always those who see you, who God speaks to their heart with an invitation to sow! Just keep showing up amid the times of hardship and lack, it’s in these times you sail into his arms! Heaven always comes through, contentment found inside of you!

Where you faced incredible odds, multiple seeming false starts, financial abuse, misuse, hardship- you learned to trust that through this BREAKER ANOINTING FOR OTHERS is the person of love that lasts! Trusting in Heaven’s dividends for other’s that last! God is bigger than you and this journey has developed the OVERCOMER in you- for others!! When he called you HE promised to make a way for you.

You are in partnership with the King of Glory and HIS name known! It’s a war for souls, for breakthrough, for lives that’s been won! You’re stewarding the BLOOD! You have the capacity of God’s presence, power and provision in you, God with us! (Matthew 1:23)

The supernatural ability and the heart of a lion to ROAR. Eyes flint, chosen and called, on eagles wings with Holy Spirit soar!

What, where and to whom have you been called?

May be an image of sea bird

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